FULL PHRM30002 H1 Active Recall Notes - Drugs Affecting the Nervous System (optimised for online exams!)
Subject notes for UniMelb PHRM30002
Detailed notes for PHRM30002 Drugs Affecting the Nervous System coordinated by Dr Peter Crack. It's been arranged in a style optimum for the "active recall" study technique on the Notion platform, and has been arranged into questions based on each lecture's learning objective points. These notes helped me get a solid H1 in both MSTs & the final exam, without having to look up answers on Google/use any other resources. Relevant knowledge from other subjects (BIOM20002 HSF, NEUR30004 Complex Functions, PSYC30020 The Integrated Brain) has been added to make more well-rounded answers for my MSTs, both of which I got full marks. Topics: Week 1: Intro to neuropharmacology, blood-CNS barriers, nerves as targets for drug action Week 2: Peripheral nerves, BBB & drug delivery, catecholaminergic transmission Week 3: Cholinergic transmission, block tutorial, glia as a therapeutic target Week 4: Neuropeptides, neuroendocrine, serotonin Week 5: GABA Week 6: Glutamate, pain control Week 7: Ion channels, neurotrophic factors, neurotoxicity Week 8: Immune system + the brain, Parkinson's Week 9: Alzheimer's Week 10: Depression + BPD, sedatives + hypnotics, sleep therapeutics Week 11: Reinforcement + addiction, addiction therapies, motor neuron disease Week 12: Schizophrenia, epilepsy, revision tutorial
Semester 2, 2021
201 pages
44,964 words
UniMelb, Parkville
Member since
February 2019