
- A detailed notes document of all the topics from Week 1 to Week 12 (No new content for Week 13) - Notes cover all content required for essay writing, weekly in-class participation and the final exam. - ACCG2051 is a hard and difficult unit as a lot of information is being taught. This document provides all the information required in this unit and has many case studies for reference. Topics Covered: - Legal Framework - Contract Law - Contract Law, Agency & ACL - Business structures, registration of companies and their effects - Trusts & Intro to company law - Directors and corporate management, director’s fiduciary duties - Directors’ statutory duties and corporate governance, financial and reporting obligations - Member's rights and meetings - Takeovers and financial services market - Insolvency law - Liquidation - Privacy law


Semester 1, 2022

199 pages

84,885 words



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Macq., North Ryde

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February 2021