
Lecture summaries including learning objectives for every BMS3031 lecture. Easy to understand language and comprehensive, used by many students for HD marks. This is a capstone (12 credit point) unit, and the last before GPA's are submitted to GEMSAS, so be sure to give it your all. The price is a bit higher because of the sheer enormity/length of these notes and the effort that went into them. Lectures included: 1 - Recombinant Proteins 2 - Antibodies and Therapy 3 & 4 - Precision Medicine and Genetic Approaches to Disease Therapy (i & ii) 5 & 6 - Drug Discovery (i & ii) 7 & 8 - Pharmacokinetics (i & ii) 9 & 10 - Assessing Drug Safety and Drug Development (i & ii) 11 & 12 - Molecular Basis for Drug Action - Case Study: Agomelatine (i & ii) 13 - Overview of Immunity, Tolerance, and Hypersensitivity 14 - B Lymphocyte Biology: The Response to Antigen 15 - Monoclonal Antibodies 16 - Autoimmunity 17 - The Hallmarks of Cancer 18 - Tumour Suppressor Genes, Oncogenes, and Methods for Cancer Screening 19 - Skin Cancer (i) 20 - Skin Cancer (ii): Melanoma 21 - Medulloblastoma 22 - Kinase Inhibitors 23 - Antibody Therapies 24 - Stratified Medicine for Cancer 25 - Introduction to DOHaD 26 - Developmental Programming of Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease 27 - Nephron Number, Hypertension, and CKD in Humans 28 - Mechanisms of DOHaD - Epigenetics and Transgenerational Transmission 29 - Antenatal Interventions to Improve Long-Term Outcomes 30 - Future Opportunities to 'Access' the Foetus and Long-Term Health Outcomes 31 - Antibiotic Selectivity and Mode of Action 32 - Antibiotic Resistance 33 - Challenges in Antimicrobial Development 34 - Antimicrobial Agents and Resistance: Case Studies 35 - Basics of Virology 36 - Phage Therapy 37 - Viral Immunology 38 - How Virus Infections Have Shaped Our World 39 - Mechanisms of Protein Folding and Aggregation 40 - Polyglutamine Disease 41 - Alzheimer's Disease 42 - Prion Disease and ALS


Semester 2, 2019

143 pages

56,300 words



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