
Hi!! Thank you for checking out my notes! This unit was tough and has a huge focus on ethics which my notes reflect - including the ethics and WHS modules. I've condensed the information into a simple format making it easy to study for assignments and exams. I've also taken the time to write down extra notes that helped me remember content. The notes I took from tutorials are extremely detailed and is definitely what I attribute to helping me get a HD on the project report and literature review. My notes also include a bunch of practice multiple choice questions that I wrote. These questions are of a similar style to the final exam and will accurately help in testing your knowledge. The table of contents is as follows: Week 2 - Lecture: Ethics and PACE - Tutorial: Literature Review Details Week 3 - Lecture: Aggressive Behaviour Week 4 - Lecture: Media Psychology Week 5 - Lecture: Psychology of Driving - Tutorial: Interviews, Selection Criteria and Generic Grad Skills Week 6 - Lecture: Psychological Literacy Week 7 - Lecture: Psychological Pathways - Tutorial: Project Report and Family Violence Week 8 - Lecture: Internet Pornography and Violence Against Woman Week 9 - Lecture: Professional Organisations and the APS - Tutorial: Drugs and Alcohol Week 10 - Lecture: National Standards and Codes of Ethical Conduct -> Principle A -> Principle B -> Principle C Week 11 - Lecture: Legislation ->The Mental Health Act -> Mandatory Reporting -> Privacy Act -> Human Rights Week 12 - Lecture: Self Care in a High Burnout Profession - Tutorial: Exam and Eating Disorders Ethics Module WHS Module Practice Questions


Semester 2, 2022

55 pages

17,607 words



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