90% HD Exam Notes | STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE | Dispute Resolution & Ethics (Sem 1, 2022)
Subject notes for Adelaide LAW 3501
I used these notes during the Dispute Resolution & Ethics exam in Semester 1 of 2022, achieving 90% High Distinction. The notes: > provide a step-by-step guide to answering exam questions; > are succinct yet comprehensive; > distil all the content from lectures, readings and tutorials into easy-to-follow answer skeletons; and > include unique details, examples and cases which will make your answers stand out, pushing you into a higher grade band. The notes cover the following topics: 1 Introduction to civil dispute resolution 2 ADR 3 Pleadings and process 4 Pleadings continued Disclosure 5 Disclosure and Privilege 6 Privilege, applications and advocacy 7 Investigatory processes 8 Maintaining the status quo 9 Costs and case management 10 Negotiation 11 Appeals and judicial review 12 Exceptional cases, ethics, and exam You will be delighted with your purchase.
Semester 1, 2022
49 pages
18,816 words
Adelaide, North Terrace
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March 2017