
I used these notes during the Administrative Law exam in Semester 2 of 2022, achieving a High Distinction. These notes provide a step-by-step guide to answering exam questions. They also cover everything you need to know for the quiz, merits review exercise and class participation. The notes: > are succinct yet comprehensive; > distil all the content from lectures, readings and tutorials into easy-to-follow answer guides; and > include unique details, examples and cases which will make your answers stand out, pushing you into a higher grade band. The notes cover the following topics: 1 Freedom of interpretation 2 Statutory interpretation 3 Merits review 4 Findings of law and fact 5 Statutory reviews on questions of law 6 Justiciability and standing 7 Judicial review 8 Jurisdictional error, procedural fairness, and hearing review and bias 9 Acting beyond the scope of power 10 Improper exercise of power 11 Consequences of unlawful action 12 Remedies 13 Privative clauses 14 Delegated legislation These notes are so comprehensive and easy to follow that you could, by using these notes, achieve a high exam grade with little to no preparation. You will be delighted with your purchase.


Semester 2, 2022

23 pages

13,000 words



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