
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes for MLL406. This is all I used for the exam. I have spent countless hours compiling these notes. My mark was 94 HD for the subject. I scored 100% in the exam using only these notes. These notes are comprehensive and integrate everything learnt in the subject, including the prescribed readings from the textbook, lecture notes, tutorial answers, case summaries, etc. Topic 1 - Introduction Sources of Law Participants & Parties Adversarial and Inquisitorial Systems Rule Making Power Role of the Judge Case Management Disadvantages of the judicial system Topic 2 – Jurisdiction Transfer of proceedings Topic 3 – Instituting Proceedings Topic 4- Service Topic 5- Appearance Topic 6 – Parties and Joinder Topic 7 – Pleadings Topic 8 – Summary Disposition Topic 9 – Non-compliance and amendment Topic 10– Discovery Topic 11 – Costs Topic 12 - The Trial Topic 13 – Alternative Dispute Resolution Impact of the Civil Procedure Act Exam templates include: Offers Bullock and Sanderson Orders Jurisdiction Costs


Trimester 1, 2022

93 pages

33,141 words



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