
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes for MLL110. This is all I used for the exam. I have spent countless hours compiling these notes. My mark was 91 HD for the subject. I scored 90% in the exam using only these notes. These notes are comprehensive and integrate everything learnt in the subject, including the prescribed readings from the textbook, lecture notes, tutorial answers, case summaries, etc. These notes also include exam templates (including a full summary exam template section which can be used in the exam alone) which is shown at the end of the sample of the notes. The topics include: 1. INTRODUCTION, DAMAGES & COMPENSATION SCHEMES >DAMAGES FOR PERSONAL INJURY >COMPENSATORY DAMAGES >TYPES/HEADS OF COMPENSATORY DAMAGES A) ECONOMIC LOSS B) NON-ECONOMIC LOSS >LOSS OF AMENITIES/ENJOYMENT OF LIFE >AGGRAVATED AND EXEMPLARY DAMAGES >VICARIOUS LIABILITY 2. NEGLIGENCE: DUTY OF CARE >DUTY OF CARE 1) Factual duty question: ‘Reasonable foreseeability’ 2) Legal or ‘notional’ duty question >SPECIAL KINDS OF DUTIES AND LIABILITIES 3. NEGLIGENCE: BREACH OF DUTY OF CARE >BREACH OF DUTY >STATUTORY PROVISIONS AFFECTING DETERMINATION OF BREACH >S 48 CALCULUS OF NEGLIGENCE >STANDARD OF CARE >SPECIFIC STANDARDS 4. NEGLIGENCE: CAUSATION AND MULTIPLE TORTFEASORS >CAUSATION >BUT FOR TEST >NOVUS ACTUS INTERVENIENS >MULTIPLE TORTFEASORS 5. NEGLIGENCE: REMOTENESS OF DAMAGE >WAGON MOUND CASES >EGG SHELL SKULL RULE 6. SPECIAL DUTY SITUATIONS: OMISSIONS & PURE MENTAL HARM >OMISSIONS >LIABILITY FOR PURE MENTAL HARM 7. DEFENCES TO NEGLIGENCE >CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE >VOLUNTARY ASSUMPTION OF RISK >EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY/ NOTICE 8. PRIVATE NUISANCE >ELEMENTS >DEFENCES 9. BREACH OF STATUTORY DUTY >ELEMENTS >DEFENCES Hope these help you smash Torts!


Trimester 1, 2022

124 pages

39,066 words



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