
These are my fully comprehensive detailed notes for MLL342 Workplace Law (Revised for 2024). This is all I used for the exam. My mark was 91 HD for the subject. I scored 92% in the exam using only these notes. These notes are comprehensive and integrate everything learnt in the subject, including the prescribed readings from the textbook, lecture notes, tutorial answers, case summaries, etc. These notes cover the following topics: Topic 1: Who is an employee? Identifying employment relationships Topic 2 and 3: Terms of the Common Law Contract and Incorporation of Terms Topics 4 and 5: Introduction to Australia’s Industrial Relations System and the Safety Net Topic 6: Enterprise Agreements and Collective Bargaining Topic 7: Termination of Employment Topic 8: The General Protections → Part 3-1 of the Fair Work Act Topic 9 and 10: Workplace Health and Safety and Bullying Topic 11: Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Hope these comprehensive notes help you smash Workplace Law!


Trimester 3, 2022

199 pages

101,786 words



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