MGMT90037 Conflict and Negotiation H1 (92%) Full Study Material 2024-2025 (12-week)
Subject notes for UniMelb MGMT90037
Definitions and Origins of Conflict: Differentiation between substantive and psycho-social conflicts, with detailed examples from various perspectives, such as employers versus workers. Negotiation Basics: Fundamental aspects of negotiation, including the concept of the Prisoner's Dilemma and strategies like Tit-for-Tat. Outcomes of Conflict: Discussions on objective, emotional, and relational outcomes from conflict resolution. Cooperation vs. Cheating: Insights into reasons for cooperation versus cheating in game theory contexts. Fairness in Negotiation: Detailed exploration of distributive and procedural fairness, including their importance and examples from workplace and community settings. Economic Theory and Real-World Negotiation: How traditional economic assumptions apply or don't hold up in real-world negotiations, including the role of fairness and emotional responses. Power and Justice in Negotiations: Examination of how power dynamics influence perceptions and behaviors regarding justice and fairness. Psychological and Cognitive Aspects of Negotiation: A deep dive into how cognitive biases, emotional states, and heuristics influence negotiation strategies and outcomes. Practical Applications of Psychological Theories: Application of Gestalt principles, heuristics, and biases in various practical scenarios including design, art, and cognitive psychology. Strategies and Tactics in Negotiation: Various strategies and tactics employed in negotiation, ranging from creating value and claiming value, to dealing with deception and aggressive tactics.
Semester 1, 2024
104 pages
26,681 words