LAWS1022: Criminal Laws: Final Exam Notes
Subject notes for UNSW laws1022
These full course, final exam notes include comprehensive problem question templates, each of which are colour coded and lay out all the legislation, and cases you'll need. The notes also include a summary of each course theme for the essay component of the exam, including definitions, detailed case summaries, statistics and relevant theory. The notes are clear and succinct, set out in tables in diagram so it is easy to find what you need in exam conditions. The notes are organised under the following sub-headings: - Common Assault - Consent to Harm - Acceptable Violence - Aggravated Assault - Sexual Assualt - Domestic Violence - Stalking and Intimidation - Murder - Constructive Murder - Involuntary Manslaughter (Manslaughter by Unlawful and Dangerous Act AND Manslaughter by Criminal Negligence) - Voluntary Manslaughter - Assault Causing Death - Fitness to Plead - Mental Health and Cognitive Impairment Defence - Automatism Defence (Sane and Insane) - Substantial Impairment Defence - Intoxication - Self-Defence - Excessive Self-Defence - Extreme Provocation - Fraud - Larceny - Joint Criminal Enterprise - Accessorial Liability - Conspiracy
Term 2, 2024
39 pages
18,856 words
UNSW, Kensington
Member since
February 2023