
These full course, final exam notes include a comprehensive statutory interpretation template, which is methodical, colour coded and lays out all the legislation and cases you'll need. The notes also include a summary of each course theme for the essay component of the exam, including definitions, statistics/evidence, case summaries, and relevant theory. They are succinct and clear, organised in tables and diagrams, making it easy to find what you need in an exam. The notes are organised under the following sub-headings: - Definitions - Constitutionalism and Rule of Law - A Constitutional Hybrid - Federation - Australian Federalism - Popular Sovereignty - Acquisition of Legal Independence - Indigenous Sovereignty and Crown Sovereignty - Indigenous People, Voting, and the Constitution - Uluru Statement from the Heart - Legislature: History, Powers, Composition - Legislature: Right to Vote - Legislature: State Legislative Power - Executive: History, Powers, Composition - Executive Accountability - Judiciary: History, Powers, Composition - Boilermakers 1956: Separation of Powers and Judicial Power - Judiciary: State Courts - Judiciary: What is Judicial Power - Judiciary: Persona Designata and the Incompatibility Limit - Human Rights Protections - Federal Constitutional Change - State Constitutional Change - Statutory Interpretation Theory - Statutory Interpretation


Term 3, 2024

55 pages

25,155 words


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