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Authors: Stella Cottrell
23 hours agoAuthors: Lisa A. Urry, Noel Meyers, Michael Lee Cain, Steven Alexander Wasserman, Peter V. Minorsky, Rebecca B. Orr, Karen Burke da Silva, Ann Parkinson, Lesley Lluka, Prasad Chunduri
2 days agoAuthors: Bryan H. Derrickson, Brendan Burkett, Gregory Peoples, Danielle Dye, Julie Cooke, Tara Diversi, Mark McKean, Simon Summers, Flavia Di Pietro, Alex Engel, Michael Macartney, Hayley Green, Gerard J. Tortora
2 days agoAuthors: H. Stephen Stoker
2 days agoAuthors: Nick Wilkinson, Matthias Klaes
2 days agoAuthors: Butt, P
2 days agoAuthors: Eban S. Goodstein, Stephen Polasky
2 days agoAuthors: Stephen G. Corones, Nigel Stobbs, Mark Thomas
2 days agoAuthors: Stiglitz, Joseph E, Rosengard, Jay K
2 days agoAuthors: Queensland University of Technology
2 days agoAuthors: Selvanathan, Saroja
2 days agoQUT textbooks by subject area: