250 Agriculture & environment subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

Latest activity on StudentVIP Agriculture & environment subjects:

ENVS10005 Uni. of Melbourne

What an awesome subject. Davo is one of the best lecturers ever! Be sure to attend your lectures and...

9 years ago

MULT30014 Uni. of Melbourne

I loved this subject, but it is solely based on group work, so pick your group CAREFULLY!

10 years ago

EVSC30006 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is simple enough, it covers a wide range of topics, and is not so difficult that it is...

10 years ago

GEOG30022 Uni. of Melbourne

This is a really well rounded and well taught subject. The 3 day field camp was fantastic!

10 years ago

2056ENV Griffith

I thoroughly enjoyed this subject, the lecturer who organised it is a passionate planner and created...

10 years ago

SPA215 Charles Sturt Uni.

Difficult to do as a distance ed student, be prepared to put in the time but worthwhile

10 years ago

AGR156 Charles Sturt Uni.

Great subject! Great teacher! Very useful for following subjects

10 years ago

AHT231 Charles Sturt Uni.

Assignments were well structured but feedback could have been better. Felt unprepared for final exam...

10 years ago

RSEC4131 Uni. of Sydney

Benefit cost analysis is widely used in resource and agricultural economics in order to determine th...

10 years ago

AGEC3102 Uni. of Sydney

Agricultural and Resource Policy has proved to be quite challenging. If you are able to listen and r...

10 years ago

AFNR3001 Uni. of Sydney

One of the best subjects offered within the Agricultural Faculty. Prior to the semester, students sp...

10 years ago

AVBS4002 Uni. of Sydney

good class to take if you're willing to put in the effort for assessments. lectures however are supe...

10 years ago

AVBS4008 Uni. of Sydney

great class. provides loads of info on pigs/poultry industry and essentially no out-of-class assessm...

10 years ago

AVBS4012 Uni. of Sydney

Great class and great excursion down to the southern tablelands & wagga area.

10 years ago

AGR475 Charles Sturt Uni.

Highy enjoyable. Hard work and reading, but very diverse.

10 years ago

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