2,737 Engineering subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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ELEN30013 Uni. of Melbourne

Sejeong is the most engaging online lecturer I have had! She makes the content fun and goes at a goo...

2 years ago

PHYS1001 The Uni. of Western Australia

Decent content, and all tests and exams are multi choice. That being said the questions can get quit...

2 years ago

ENSC2004 The Uni. of Western Australia

First 5 weeks (statics) is super easy, basically just vector geometry. Mid-sem was pretty time press...

2 years ago

ENSC1003 The Uni. of Western Australia

Pretty arduous really, you'll get better at research I guess but the assignments take waaaayyy too m...

2 years ago

ENEN20002 Uni. of Melbourne

The subject is almost like two completely different subjects combined. It has two sets of lecturers...

2 years ago

ENSC3023 The Uni. of Western Australia

Would have liked it to be less focused on AAA since it is an intro to biomed engineering. Very easy...

2 years ago

GEOM20015 Uni. of Melbourne

I heard good things about this subject but the quality tanked this semester. I would give zero stars...

2 years ago

ELEN90055 Uni. of Melbourne

Overall well-taught and interesting subject. Projects could be a bit ambiguous and unclear, but perh...

2 years ago

SWEN90014 Uni. of Melbourne

If you are masochistic, I suggest taking this subject with a random group of students in your team.

2 years ago

MTRX1702 Uni. of Sydney

Well taught subject, great support via ed and fantasitic tuts

2 years ago

COMP2711 Flinders

An excellent successor to Computer Programming 1. Taught in C++, it adds a new layer of complexity b...

2 years ago

ENEN20002 Uni. of Melbourne

The subject is divided into two halves, the first is about climate and rainfall modelling, the secon...

2 years ago

GENG5505 The Uni. of Western Australia

This unit is Global Challenges in Engineering/Introduction to Professional Engineering levels of bad...

2 years ago


Lecturer is pretty good at explaining the contents, the assessments could be found as difficult but,...

3 years ago

ENSC2004 The Uni. of Western Australia

First half is pretty much a repeat of ENSC1002's second half (Truss forces, basic physics etc.). Sec...

3 years ago

ENSC1003 The Uni. of Western Australia

it sucks

3 years ago


Fun unit and don't afraid to ask questions during tutorial. The project assessment will be quite dif...

3 years ago

MAST20029 Uni. of Melbourne

This is an entire subject of plug 'n chug. They give you formulae and you plug values in to solve pr...

3 years ago

CIVL4402 The Uni. of Western Australia

Now this is a great unit. Tong Ming was an overall amazing lecturer. He was very flexible especially...

3 years ago

CIVL4404 The Uni. of Western Australia

Good unit, although it will keep you on your toes so it's best advised to do a lot of work in advanc...

3 years ago

ECE3161 Monash Uni.

The subject is very messy and you learn a lot of random things. Not well structured at all. The lect...

3 years ago

CITS2401 The Uni. of Western Australia

Unit was interesting and fun, albeit rather challenging for someone with no coding background. Defin...

3 years ago


This subject was a massive letdown. Don't expect the field trips and flight simulator experiences th...

3 years ago

GEOM30009 Uni. of Melbourne

This is a really straightforward subject and easy to get a H1 in. The assignments are laid out in a...

3 years ago

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