- Subjects
- Engineering
- 147 USQ Engineering textbooks
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- 49 USQ Engineering ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Engineering subjects at USQ...
Course is interesting and very valid for the power industry. Assignments are tough but, generally en...
7 years ago
Unit is not that difficult however, the way the lecturer delivers course content and required assign...
7 years ago
Good inclusion within the early-stage Engineering/Spatial Science courses - forces students to becom...
8 years ago
Great course, really enjoyed learning the new maths techniques as well as touching on some already f...
9 years ago
Make sure you're up to speed with vectors and trig as you will use ALOT of this. When doing the onli...
10 years ago
Do not take it easy with this subject, go as hard as you can as early as possible. Ensure you are up...
10 years ago
This course was a good introduction to embedded systems. If you have some experience with embedded s...
10 years ago
Don't think I watched a single lecture, didn't read any of the text book and didn't look at the stud...
10 years ago
The lecturer put me to sleep almost instantaneously. other than that it wasn't too bad.
10 years ago
The delivery is overly complicated... The actual work is not thar difficult , the lecturer just make...
10 years ago
try and visit construction sites and observe activities happening and the plant and equipment being...
11 years ago
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