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PSY201 Uni. of the Sunshine Coast

stats is boring, but ok when well taught

10 years ago

PSYC3011 Flinders

gives a chance to experience what is working in the outside world or in academia like

10 years ago

PSYC3012 Flinders

Lecturer is very interesting and shares real life experiences which puts things into perspective. co...

10 years ago

PSYC3003 Flinders

Very interesting topic which meshes clinical and neuro psych. Lecturers are knowledgeable and share...

10 years ago

PSYC2018 Flinders

Interesting and will help a lot with future research and assignments. lecturer is very skilled and i...

10 years ago


The class size was a bit difficult to negotiate, but the guest speakers and materials were great.

10 years ago


Interesting and informative, well structured. A difficult subject to do without a research masters,...

10 years ago


well run, interesting subject matter. Excellent introduction to social policy

10 years ago

SCWK2004 Uni. of Sydney

Rarely give out 100% reviews of anything (not just uni courses) but this really deserved it. Done a...

10 years ago

PSY113 Charles Sturt Uni.

This was my least favorite subject that I have done so far. I loved the content and am very interest...

10 years ago

PSY339 Macquarie

Loved it! Very easy subject. Very easy to study for as it's so interesting Found the content really...

10 years ago

SPE211 Charles Sturt Uni.

This subject gave me a much greater understanding of the politics and policies that govern our count...

10 years ago

GEOG1030 The Uni. of Newcastle

A lot of great information! The instructors were also very helpful throughout the whole course.

10 years ago

RELT1022 The Uni. of Newcastle

Awesome course! You get to meditate in class and it really helps you absorb the material.

10 years ago

RELT1022 The Uni. of Newcastle

A very informative and thoughtful course. I did it online and the materials were easy to understand...

10 years ago

AVBS4001 Uni. of Sydney

Little bit dry and similar to subjects previously learnt in earlier AVBS years

10 years ago

COMU1030 Uni. of Qld

I really liked this subject. It is a psychology subject so if you like that sort of thing - its real...

10 years ago

CN201 Notre Dame

Great lecturer who gives good exam tips and marks fairly. Student in class presentations are a pa...

10 years ago

BCM 310 Wollongong

Really enjoyed this subject! Classes were actually worth going.. and the blog assessment was a great...

10 years ago

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