• 164 RMIT Other textbooks
  • 23 RMIT Other tutors
  • 64 RMIT Other ratings and reviews

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The lost star is only attribute to the length of the lecture (3 hours), which can be exhausting. How...

4 years ago


I may be biased as a psychology student, as I did not find this subject particularly useful for psyc...

4 years ago


The course content is great, very interesting and the lecturer really knows what she’s talking about...

4 years ago


Assignments were very poorly explained. The subject content itself wasn't that bad but the way the c...

5 years ago


The lecturer was very helpful and this course helped us meet professionals in the cyber security ind...

6 years ago


Learnt some good stuff. Teachers where a bit slack in teaching us the material. They would often giv...

6 years ago


Liked the course. Tony was a great lecturer and knew plenty about the content, and we had some great...

6 years ago


Lectures good but tutoring didn't always match up to the needs of the topic.

7 years ago


The class size was a bit difficult to negotiate, but the guest speakers and materials were great.

10 years ago


Interesting and informative, well structured. A difficult subject to do without a research masters,...

10 years ago


well run, interesting subject matter. Excellent introduction to social policy

10 years ago

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