- Subjects
- Education
- 475 UNE Education textbooks
- 8 UNE Education tutors
- 117 UNE Education ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Education subjects at UNE...
Assessments were very vague for this subject, and it was hard to see the practical application of th...
6 years ago
Really enjoyed this module. Doing an Academic Writing Tuneup course will help with this module. Ligh...
7 years ago
Useless teacher, might as well do an online unit, culturally insensitive
7 years ago
This unit is a very heavy work load and the support is not all that instructive. My advice would be...
9 years ago
It is not worth buying the textbooks for this unit, as they are barely touched during the coursework...
9 years ago
There were a lot of complaints about the lecturer this trimester however I enjoyed the subject and t...
10 years ago
The Brenda and Martys lectures are so entertaining and informative. For external students Mal is a g...
10 years ago
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