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View all LAWS50025 notesH1 Full Torts Notes 2022
H1 notes for the full Torts course. Section 1 is a high level summary outlining the steps needed t...
59 pages, 22535 words
Torts - Uni Melb Semester Exam Notes 87%
Got 87% relying on these notes - covers entire course. Topics include: Negligence ...............
129 pages, 40000 words
This is my exam template that got me a 96 on the final exam!! - 50+ pages of exam notes, including...
53 pages, 21253 words
TORTS EXAM NOTES + TEMPLATES Easy to follow with colour coding of all examinable topics. Topics in...
15 pages, 5884 words
H1 (87) Exam notes/hypo structures + case notes
Notes are in two parts - first part is exam notes. These are arranged in a succinct way which captur...
63 pages, 21656 words
H1 (85) Torts Case notes
Case notes for torts. Includes the material facts, issue, outcome and reasoning you need to know for...
30 pages, 14841 words
Torts Cases (Exam Notes)
12 Weeks - Private Nuisance - Negligence: statute; physical injury/economic loss/mental harm; du...
44 pages, 12024 words
Torts Notes (comprehensive for exams)
Suitable for the final exam. Presents potential arguments for both sides. Checklist and templat...
41 pages, 7750 words
Torts 2021 FULL NOTES
These notes contain the everything you need to know for the Torts subject, including a step by step...
82 pages, 19041 words
Torts Exam Notes [HIGH H1 (90)]
These notes cover the entire Torts course, and integrate all the relevant readings — both cases and...
50 pages, 15954 words
Become a tutor for LAWS50025Fiona
$25 per hour
Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...
$25 per hour
Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...
if you get sahiba as your tutor good luck to you.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024
Torts was intellectually a fantastic subject. The lecturers created an engaging course which expanded our knowledge of the law in relation to torts. The cases studied in this subject were always interesting, some were controversial which sparked exciting debate in lectures. The assessment tasks were a case report due mid semester and a two hour end of semester exam. I thought the case report was an appropriate assessment task as it solidified tort knowledge and allowed you to really delve deep into a case. All round a great subject!