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[High Quality] Critical Analytical Skills (MULT20003) Essential Subject Notes

High-quality essential subject notes created from all lectures and key readings. Important tables, e...

42 pages, 10147 words

Critical Analytical Skills (MULT20003) readings notes

Comprehensive notes from all the CAS readings. Complete with clear headings, dot-points, and page nu...

50 pages, 15750 words

Critical Analytical Skills TEST + GENERAL NOTES (GOT H1 96%) !!

These notes include a summary of everything we learnt in Critical Analytical Skills. As this sub...

27 pages, 11000 words

Critical Analytical Skills Complete & Comprehensive Notes

Comprehensive and complete notes from the readings, lectures, and tutorials of Critical Analytical s...

40 pages, 12278 words

Critical Analytical Skills (MULT20003) notes

Comprehensive notes from the CAS lectures. Complete with clear headings and dot-points, helped me ac...

29 pages, 10500 words

Critical Analytical Skills Complete Notes

Full lecture notes for MULT 20003: Critical Analytical Skills, set out by topic an lecture with diag...

20 pages, 4061 words


$48 per hour

Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...


$80 per hour

Hi, I'm Milo. I've been tutoring professionally since 2019. Having graduated from the University of...


$120 per hour

In these challenging post-pandemic times, I want to help you to improve your writing assignments and...


$70 per hour

I have previously worked at La Trobe, Swinburne and the University of Melbourne as a sessional tutor...


Elena my tutor was great! If you have to take this subject then dont worry you will do fine, its boring but important. If you dont have to take this subject... what are you doing here... go find literally any other subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

This might have been one of the worst subjects I have even taken. I know it’s compulsory so you must take it, but if you are thinking about taking it per your own free will DO NOT. The content itself can actually be quite interesting at times, but it is presented in a boring manner and furthermore the assignments are confusing and it is difficult to grasp what exactly they want. Sometimes even the tutors did not really know what exactly is wanted from the assignments. There were times where, when asked exactly what the assignment is asking us to do, my tutor would not really know and it was only after we handed in the assignment and it was marked that they seemed to understand the criteria and would give a run down of what they wanted! Assignment 1 +2 feels rushed and it is difficult to quantify into so little words, the group assignment is a bit of a mess and I don’t know one person in my tutorial who actually fully understood what we were meant to do or what exactly was required of us. the final essay is actually okay and can bring up your grade a bit. I don’t think it is extremely harshly marked, just the assignments themselves can be confusing and unclear. I ended up with a 78 overall.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

Score is given very strictly but the content is worth learning

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

My tutor was so BORING. but I had to do it. I was blessed to have an amazing group for assessment 2, so that helped me out. The first assessment was timed and even though I had repeatedly watched the lectures I did not do as good as I would have hoped. The tutor's feedback was not helpful, very generic, but maybe if you want to do well do all your readings and participate in discussions. The content is actually interesting to some extent, but I definitely think the staff need to take a better approach, not much information was given on how to do any of the assessments in my opinion.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Let's be honest, no one would take this subject if it wasn't compulsory for their major - but as a lot of us do have to take it here's what to expect: Pros: Content isn't as dry as you would think - I found the lectures and tutorials to be okay. Found it very interesting focusing on the connotations of 'research' in indigenous communities, and in general looking at qualitative research was more interesting than I thought. Aidan as a tutor and Elena as head tutor were great - very supportive, helpful with feedback. Cons: Assignments 1 and 2 - holy moly what a mess! Assignment 1 - never have I felt so rushed for time in an assignment! Despite knowing the content really well I really struggled to get my answers together in time and really meet the criteria. Assignment 2 - also very difficult to do well on. Assignment 3 - personally this is what allowed me to pull my grade up, but honestly it was quite boring Good luck to everyone doing it! I wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't compulsory, but it's not as bad as you think!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Nope. Just nope. I know it’s compulsory but it is so dry and the group project, unless you are very lucky, will almost 100% doom your WAM. For a compulsory subject this should be way less demanding and the group project should really just not exist, I would have rather written an essay.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

My tutor was the most unhelpful tutor I’ve ever had and it seemed like no one knew what they were talking about

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Subject marking is kind of unfair, and I would personally say that it is hard to know what the tutors truly want, as the content is so broad in nature and it's really hard to know how much detail to include in your assignments (esp in the final essay). However, shouldn't be too hard to get a decent mark if you've scored well in the previous assignments. I ended with a 79

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Honestly this subject is a bit of a drag and the lectures were quite repetitive, but I really enjoyed the last assignment because I felt like it was a chance to write about something you were actually interested in within the context of CAS. Although I did hate that group work was such a big part of the subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

This class really isn't as bad as people say it is, I think the fact that it's mandatory just creates a little bias. I really enjoyed this class; also just to offset other comments, i found the marking lenient and transparent, so it might be just the tutor you get.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019