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  • 5 UNSW Creative tutors
  • 27 UNSW Creative ratings and reviews

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SDES1001 is a compulsory course for first year design students. The course workload was incredibly d...

8 years ago


Exactly how I wanted to start my degree in Fine Arts!

9 years ago


It teaches you to think outside the box, be creative, no right or wrong answers and to develop your...

10 years ago


For any design students or double degree students, this is the first year fundamental course you hav...

10 years ago


Unfortunately an inevitable class for most first year COFA students. Based around conceptual thinkin...

10 years ago


This subject provided useful hands-on experience with Pro-tools and Reason. Thoroughly enjoyed the g...

10 years ago


Final recital was a great activity to work towards and was an incredibly productive experience looki...

10 years ago

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