International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace

Charles W. L. Hill

For sale by Hanna for $90

MGMT2101 Weekly Summaries

Topics covered: - globalisation and international business - value chain and competitive advantage...

13 pages, 3591 words

MGMT2101 Full Lecture Notes

Full lecture notes, lectures 1-9. Include images and diagrams. Topics include: - globalisation a...

51 pages, 11264 words

2019 MGMT2101 Entire Course Notes!

These detailed typed notes cover the entire course content from Week 1 - 9 (Week 10 is recap). It in...

28 pages, 6172 words

HD MGMT2101 (93/100) Notes - All Topics + Exam [102 pages]

Check the sample to see evidence of mark! Contains notes for all topics of the course. These have...

102 pages, 23607 words


$90 per hour



$48 per hour

Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...


$15 per hour

Test Prep | Notes Preparation | Essay Planning I graduated from University of Sydney, where I ear...


the tutor and lecturer were harsh and unreasonable for marking the assessments. some lectures materials were confusing

Anonymous, Term 1, 2022

Difficult to understand lecturer's accent plus she goes through her slides way too fast. Tutorial discussions were interesting and worthwhile but tutor marking was harsh for presentations.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Very tedious. Lectures are confusing and tutorials not very helpful. Will take an awful lot of effort and studying to do well in the course

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016