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Authors: LexisNexis Butterworths
2 days agoAuthors: Paige Baltzan, Kathy Lynch, Julie Fisher
4 days agoAuthors: Billie Cunningham, Loren A. Nikolai, John Bazley, Marie Kavanagh, Sharelle Simmons, Christina James
4 days agoAuthors: Nickolas James, Ellie Chapple, Alex Wong, Richard Baumfield, Richard Copp, Robert Cunningham, Paul Harpur
4 days agoAuthors: David Beskeen, Lisa Friedrichsen, Lynn Wermers, Elizabeth E. Reding
4 days agoAuthors: Janet Fellowes
6 days agoAuthors: Michael Cavanagh and Anne Prescott
6 days agoAuthors: George Williams, Sean Brennan, Andrew Lynch
1 week agoAuthors: David Rolph, Matt Vitins, Judith Bannister, Daniel Joyce
1 week agoAuthors: R. C. Hibbeler, Kai Beng Yap, S. C. Fan
1 week agoUSQ textbooks by subject area: