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4 weeks agoAuthors: MARK ET AL. BRAY, Bray Et Al, Peter Arnold Waring, Rae Cooper, Johanna Macneil
4 weeks agoAuthors: Robert E. Quinn, David Bright, Sue R. Faerman, Michael P. Thompson, Michael R. McGrath
4 weeks agoAuthors: Loren A Nikkolai, Billie M Cunningham, John D Bazlley, Marie Kavanagh, Geoff Slaughter, Sharelle Simmons
4 weeks agoAuthors: Joseph E. Stiglitz, Jeff Gow, Ross Guest, William Richmond, Bill Richmond, Carl E. Walsh, Max Tani, Massimiliano Tani, Wiley Wiley Australia, Stiglitz Walsh
4 weeks agoAuthors: Richard D. De Veaux, Paul F. Velleman, David E. Bock
4 weeks agoAuthors: Audrey Berman, Barbara Kozier, Glenora Lea Erb
1 month agoAuthors: Audrey Berman, Barbara Kozier, Glenora Lea Erb
1 month agoAuthors: Audrey Berman, Barbara Kozier, Glenora Lea Erb
1 month agoAuthors: Gerene Bauldoff, Paula Gubrud, Margaret-Ann Carno, Tracy Levett-Jones, Trudy Dwyer, Lorna Moxham, Kerry Reid-Searl, Kamaree Berry, Keryln Carville, Marjella Hales, Nicole Knox, David Stanley
1 month agoAuthors: Gerene Bauldoff, Priscilla LeMone, Paula Marie Gubrud-Howe, Margaret-Ann Carno
1 month agoAuthors: Wiley Staff, Angela M. O'Donnell, Brendan J. Bartlett, Eva Dobozy, Michael C. Nagel, Johnmarshall Reeve, Jeffrey K. Smith, Amina Youssef-Shalala, Rebecca Spooner-Lane
1 month agoAuthors: Dr Sue Duchesne, Dr Anne McMaugh
1 month agoAuthors: Diana Whitton, Katrina Barker, Jacqueline Humphries, Mary Nosworthy, Catherine Sinclair
1 month agoAuthors: Edwards, Clifford H.
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