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Introduction to Information Systems - Exam Notes

Comprehensive study notes that cover all lectures and additional topics of the subject with table-ba...

18 pages, 3079 words

31266 HD Introduction to Information Systems Notes

These notes are for the subject Introduction to Information Systems - 31266, studied at the Universi...

47 pages, 7434 words

Introduction to Information Systems Complete Notes

Covers all topics/weeks

49 pages, 7193 words

Introduction to Information System Notes!! Guarantee HD!

These are all the detailed notes including the practice tests, summaries, lectures and even research...

21 pages, 11000 words

HD Notes: Introduction to Information Systems

Beautifully Organised and Concise Notes. I've used these notes for my quizzes, assignments and fi...

32 pages, 6935 words

31266 - Intro to Information Systems - High Quality Complete Notes

2018 latest content. Very high quality, detailed yet concise notes. Includes examples, diagrams and...

15 pages, 6166 words

Completed Notes for Whole IIS course

These are the notes I made and maintained throughout the semester, and contains all the topics asses...

37 pages, 11054 words

Introduction to Information Systems Comprehensive HD Note from Lectures and Tutorials

I tried to summarise all my notes as short as possible because I know you guys will need this for ex...

27 pages, 8169 words

Introduction to Information Systems Notes

In-depth notes covering the main ten topics covered within this subject. Plenty of pictures and grap...

36 pages, 7303 words

31266 Introduction to Information Systems Final Exam Notes

Summarised, detailed notes of the subject's lectures, tutorials and further research throughout the...

25 pages, 5252 words


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


The subject was poorly done because there was clearly too much content for a 1.5 hour class. I could tell my tutor was trying his best (I don't remember his name anymore). I never attended a single lecture and if it wasn't for a big mistake I made submitting the final report, I would have gotten a HD, so at least it's easy. But multiple weeks worth of the in-class content is completely useless because there is no final exam, and while I do hate exams, I also hate doing things that have no purpose.

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2023

All the lecturers and tutors are very friendly and try their best, but I think this subject is just not very helpful for someone doing an IT degree like me, it seems to be more geared towards those studying business. Most of the concepts are pretty self-explanatory and are only explored on the surface level. It doesn't teach you any technical knowledge or skills like the math or programming subjects. I don't think this should be a compulsory subject in an IT degree. Easy HD for anyone looking for a GPA boost though.

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2019

The subject was excellent and well structured. The most welcoming and useful subject. I learnt a lot. Shadi and my tutor were helpful and passionate. Sam

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2017

The subject itself is a complete waste of time but it is an easy HD.

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2017

bee bee is horrible

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2016

This subject could be useful,, however it isn't. This is due both to a horrible lecturer/subject coordinator, who doesn't follow a logical train of thought when presenting. This makes it extremely hard to follow, combined with the difficult to understand accent, and conflicting information. The assistant also follows in the same path, and they don't help you with the subject, rather they make you feel bad for asking questions. There is also a "compulsory" textbook compiled by the lecturer, however you don't really need it, and if you can find a copy from a classmate, it'll be useful for the 1 or 2 times you need to read 2 paragraphs from it for case studies. The assignments are also badly defined, and you get marked down for not following imaginary instructions.

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2016

If you have Bee Bee Chua as your lecturer, expect to do about 3 hours a week of outside-class work. If Bee Bee is your tutor, you might as well embrace the 50P...

Anonymous, Autumn session, 2016

This subject is as boring as the name suggests. However, it is a very good introduction for the business information systems management major. IIS is one of the two first year IT subjects at UTS where a HD is not too remote a possibility. Show up to all of your tutorials and lectures and have a solid go at the 10 to 12 (depending on the semester) 1% tutorial exercises. Also try to get 9-10 on the two in-lecture quizzes. This is so far a very achievable 10% of your final mark. Try to get close to full marks on the first individual research assignment. It is not hard to do because it is broken down to about eight 200-word sections. The group work is easy to do provided that you have a good group. A D is very possible. The exam questions are very straightforward. Make sure that you know your concepts and diagrams. In order to do well, go in the exam room with the HSC write-as-much-as-you-can mindset.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015