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Quite a simple subject if you keep up every week. The tutorials will add a lot of value.

6 years ago


One of the harder subjects in the major. Focus on the weekly work and make sure you understand conso...

6 years ago


Great introduction to multiple linear regression. Don't worry about understanding each week in isola...

6 years ago


Subject is taught very well. If you follow the weekly tutorial work you will be fine.

6 years ago


Leonardo was my lecturer and tutor. If you major in Accounting and Finance, do FSA and/or IB before...

6 years ago


Lucy was my lecturer. It's easy to get HD if you've already done Derivative Securities. I would give...

6 years ago


Do ABDB straight after doing ABDA so you remember as much ABDA content as possible.

6 years ago


Doesn't matter if you want to pass or get a HD, buy the ACCT textbooks as they contain the homework...

6 years ago


People will tell you that this is a difficult, but useful subject - and that's true. But it's still...

6 years ago


Great subject and interesting to learn. I wish I could have understood the lecturor more often, as h...

6 years ago


Great subject, great lecturer (damian bridge). Requires a lot of memorising and reading long passage...

6 years ago


Such a useful and relevant subject if you're studying finance. I thoroughly enjoyed it! But If you'r...

6 years ago


Really superficial and infamously "airy fairy" subject. I study a double degree in Physics and Econo...

6 years ago


Great lecturer, very time consuming tutorials which drill the knowledge you need. If you do the tuto...

6 years ago


i myself find this one tough but very useful for an accounting student

7 years ago


the subject itself itself is not tough, you just need a lot of practice. however, the slides and cur...

7 years ago


I see a gap between the level of the lecture and the level of questions you have to solve in the tut...

7 years ago


Interesting subject!

7 years ago


It's an interesting subject

7 years ago


Straightforward subject that is definitely HDable, even if you aren't the best at maths you just nee...

7 years ago


Can be a difficult subject but once you get your head around the nature of the accounting it can rea...

7 years ago


This subject was confusing. The grading was extremely inconsistent between classes, the tuts were a...

7 years ago


Jonathan Tyler is an amazing lecturer, and he keeps the class engaged. The homework may be a struggl...

7 years ago


Half financial accounting & half management accounting. Contents are quite easy to grasp if you prac...

7 years ago

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