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The latest second hand business textbooks listed at UTS:
Authors: Geoffrey Hart, Brett Bondfield, Margaret McKerchar, John McLaren, Kerrie Sadiq, Antony Ting
1 week agoAuthors: BROWN & ADAMS. HARGOVAN
2 weeks agoAuthors: Charles W. L. Hill, Gareth R. Jones, Peter Galvin, Ali Haidar
2 weeks agoAuthors: George Belch, Michael Belch
2 weeks agoAuthors: Pitsis, Martin Kornberger and Tyrone
2 weeks agoAuthors: Jonathan Tyler, Norman Godwin, C. Wayne Alderman
3 weeks agoAuthors: Prabhu Sivabalan, Roby B Sawyers, Steve Jackson, Greg Jenkins
3 weeks agoAuthors: J Harris; T Peters
1 month agoAuthors: R Austin; A Black
1 month agoAuthors: Greg Elliott, Ingo Bentrott, Liz Eades, Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, Sandy Smith, David Waller
1 month agoAuthors: Robin Stonecash, Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Martin Byford, Kris Ivanovski, N. Gregory Mankiw
1 month agoAuthors: Joshua Gans, Stephen King, Martin Byford, Gregory Mankiw
1 month agoAuthors: Ken Black, John Asafu-Adjaye, Paul Burke, Nazim Khan, Gerard King, Andrew Papadimos, Nelson Perera, Carl Sherwood, Saleh Ahmed Wasimi
2 months agoAuthors: Jonathan Tyler, Norman H. Godwin, C. Wayne Alderman
2 months agoAuthors: Prabhu Sivabalan, James Wakefield, Roby B. Sawyers, Steve Jackson, Greg Jenkins
2 months agoUTS textbooks by subject area: