Anatomy & Physiology

Michael P. McKinley, Valerie Dean O'Loughlin, Theresa Stouter Bidle

For sale by Olivia for $100

Anatomy & Physiology

Michael P. McKinley, Valerie Dean O'Loughlin, Theresa Stouter Bidle

For sale by Danielle for $100

The Human Species: An Introduction to Biological Anthropology

Relethford, John

For sale by Stephanie for $100

Full semester ANHB1101 notes (detailed)

Lectures + extra info from the book + some stuff from labs. Notes are detailed with lots of pictur...

178 pages, 38904 words

ANHB1101 - Course Notes

Concise notes covering all of the topics covered in the first year anatomy and human biology unit. G...

18 pages, 2295 words

ANHB1101: Becoming Human

Detailed lecture/lab notes Topics: Anatomical Terms Evolution, Inheritance, Variance, Selection...

40 pages, 30000 words


$65 per hour

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Julius Reyner

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Hello. I am Julius Reyner Charisteo, Master of Commerce student at Macquarie. I am studying Business...


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Hi! My name is Olivia and I have just graduated from UWA with a Bachelor of Biomedical Science in N...


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Biomedicine & Genetics, MMI || Anki, Exam Prep and Assignments Hello! I am a first year medic...


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Hi I'm Mustafa and currently a first year medical student before, aswell as an anatomy lab demonstra...


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Hi, Abi here. I'm a final year Doctor of Medicine(MD) student at UWA from Singapore. I had completed...


$75 per hour

Hello my name is Michael. I graduated with a Double Bachelors of Biomedical Science in: Pathology an...


Good unit with fun and engaging tutorials. Definitely the most useful tutorials out of the 4 units I have taken so far. Overall, the unit is well organised. 40% of your grade is made up of quizzes with unlimited attempts and tutorial participation, so its basically handed to you. The lecture material can get boring at times and is easy to fall behind on as there is 3 lectures per week, however there are some interesting topics. Would recommend if you're looking to do as an elective.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Very well organised, easy quizzes, easy-fair MCQ exam. Requires a good note taking/study system though as there are many details to memorise, but no hard concepts. Fun and useful tutorials too.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

LOVED THIS UNIT!! Fiona and Vanessa are absolutely incredible unit coordinators and provided incredible lectures. The tutors were enthusiastic and made tutorials informative and enjoyable. Loved doing this unit and learnt so much

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Don't have access to my old account, and giving a higher rating to try not to make the overall rating more negative. OG review included green slips from sem 1 2023. To clear up the wordy and indirect questions, it's because some of the questions were wordy and some were indirect. I don't recall if any of the questions had both factors at play. Please explain how it's comical. I found it difficult to interpret the questions as a result of this, and am also dyslexic and wasn't diagnosed when I took this unit. Green slips were strange because it was the first time I had encountered it when typically you can show up to a different tutorial for that week without needing a green slip. The tutor would mark you as present on the roll and would do behind the scenes stuff to make sure you didn't loose out on marks. When you have to commute 1hr 30 mins one way, it's an absolute pain to have to go to their office to collect it from them, then travel another 1hr 30 mins back home if you weren't having a tutorial that day. I can't recall if you could pick up the green slip without the unit coordinators handing it to you physically.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Very easy HD. 30% of your grade is online quizzes with infinite attempts, 10% is attendance to tutorials, making for a 60% exam. Daunting, but you get 40% of your grade completely for free. Not sure what impact having highschool human biology knowledge would have, but I did fine without it. Unit has 29 lectures in total. The two unit coordinators are fantastic and very very enthusiastic, an amazing duo, although they have socially progressive values and don't shy from the opportunity to promote this on their shared Instagram account, which is a little confronting. Unfortunately they let their political views infiltrate their teaching a little in the final lecture on sexuality and gender, talking about social constructionism; this lecture could be toned down/removed entirely really since it's irrelevant to anatomy. I would give this unit a 5 if it weren't for the primate and human evolution lectures. The content is just plain boring, particularly for the 3 primate lectures, and is only carried by the lecturer occasionally playing videos of monkeys at full volume catching you off-guard - a comedic experience retrospectively. Those 6 units are just dull, but at least the first 3 lectures on evolution are manageable. There's also a bit of cytology thrown into the mix for whatever reason with 3 lectures on cell biology, these are trivially easy. The tutorials are very fun and engaging, however sometimes they cover extraneous content. Likewise the pre-labs and post-lab tests cover content not covered in lectures sometimes, which didn't really show up in the exam either. For a level one unit it's a little content heavy, but not too much so in comparison to second year anatomical human biology. The exam used to have SAQ in it, and tutors frequently mentioned for whatever reason that MCQ and SAQ averages are always similar, but thankfully for some people it's gone. ANHB1102 is a good follow-on from this. IMED1001 covers similar content, with a half-focus on physiology. Fully MCQ exam which didn't feel too superficial (covered a decent depth of content for the most part, but a lot of questions were still superficial). One 3 star review complains about green slips, for whatever reason, and comically says that exam questions were "wordy" yet somehow "indirect" but makes a good point that the exam was content heavy on evolution. One 2 star review makes a good point that some questions in the exam follow-on to the next one.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

Pros: if you're passionate about Biology this one's for you! Interesting stuff and tutes where really focused on appplication of learnt content. 3 hours of lectures & 1.5 hours of tute per week. Cons: is pretty content heavy, so if you fall behind lectures there is a bit to catch up on. Found 1.5 hours of tute per week a bit tedious towards the end of each session. Exam consisted of a lot of MCQs within a short 1 hour period which was kinda stressful. overall a good first year unit. fun and engaging!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Overall good unit. If you did Y11 Human Bio/Bio you will find some of the topics easy, e.g. cells (cell division, karyotypes etc), evolution, human evolution. There are stuff from Y11 Human Bio as well, such as reproduction (ovarian cycle etc). The lectures are decent and the unit coordinators are good. The tutorials were enjoyable. Each week there are online pre-lab to complete and there are also online tests, both of which you have UNLIMITED attempts on. So as long as you spend the time to do these online quizzes and attend at least 10/12 of the tutorials you have 40% guaranteed. The exam is 100 MCQ only.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

A decent unit. It was interesting to learn all of the topics that were covered. I took this unit as a third year as an arts degree person, so it was incredibly different to what I'm used to. Green slips to attend a different class seemed like a weird concept to attend a different tutorial, if you ever needed to attend a different one. Many questions in the tests, pre labs, and the exam were very wordy and indirect, so it can be difficult to decode what's really being asked. The exam seemed very content heavy on evolution. I was hoping there'd be more questions about the other topics that were covered , and unfortunately there wasn't. Some lecturers did do an overload on information rather than simplifying and explaining. I did have a good tutor throughout this unit so that's where most of my learning and understanding came from.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

ANHB1101 is incredibly difficult for level 1 unit, but it was my favourite unit that I sat this semester. I never did anatomy and human biology in high school, and this unit allowed to me to learn so many fundamental concepts. The learning resources are amazing for this unit: good lectures, online pre-labs & tests, textbook questions, 4 past exam papers (with answers), and recommended reading. Vanessa Hayes had the best lectures (I especially loved the retrieval practice exercises) and she was a responsive unit coordinator. I wish I could give this unit 5/5 stars, but I really did not enjoy the final exam. During semester we learned embryology quite in-depth, but there was only about 4 related questions in the exam. They were extremely easy, and I felt like it was a punishment to those who bothered to understand the concepts. The arrows in the tissue questions were so poorly placed which I'm certain caused me to lose marks. No matter how much you study for this unit, some questions in the exam will trip you up. Overall I'd still fully recommend this unit!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

This is a well structured unit that is genuinely interesting and engaging. 30% of your total marks come from online quizzes and pre-labs which can be repeated as many times as you wish. Another 10% is allocated towards attending the tutorials. This means that you should go into the exam with 40% of your grade already under your belt. Passing this unit is extremely easy if that's your goal. I did have some issues with the unit. Primarily the disconnect between some of the lecturing content compared to it's tutorial content. The genetics lectures in particular were very hard to follow and when it came down to the tutorial work the two seemed to contrast one another. Other than a few other minor gripes, I honestly cannot complain about this unit, I really enjoyed it and was very happy with my final mark. Vanessa and Fiona are very responsive to emails also, which is always a plus for any unit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022