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The latest second hand textbooks at The University of Western Australia...
Authors: Patrick Dawson, Costas Andriopoulos
17 hours agoAuthors: Ben Bernanke, Nilss Olekalns, Robert H. Frank
17 hours agoAuthors: Professor of Criminology and Social Policy and Director Mannheim Centre for Criminology Tim Newburn, Tim Newburn
17 hours agoAuthors: Dallas Hanson, Michael A. Hitt, R. Duane Ireland, Robert E. Hoskisson
17 hours agoAuthors: Peter G. Northouse
17 hours agoAuthors: Mike (University of Texas at Dallas) Peng, Klaus (China Europe International Business School (CEIBS) Meyer, China.), Klaus Meyer
19 hours agoAuthors: Marc J. Assael, J. P. M. Trusler, Thomas F. Tsolakis
20 hours agoAuthors: Don M. Chance, Robert Edwin Brooks
20 hours agoAuthors: Incropera, Frank P.
21 hours agoAuthors: William Henry Brown, Thomas Poon
21 hours agoUWA textbooks by subject area: