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147 pages, 28689 words

ANHB1102: Being Human

Detailed lecture/lab notes Topics: Nervous System (Brain, Spinal Cord, Motor System, Sensory Sys...

42 pages, 30000 words

Genetics and Ecology

Covering all notes for the genetics and ecology lectures (Weeks 9-12). Specific topics include:...

36 pages, 16130 words

ANHB1102 Semester Notes (66 pages)

ANHB1102 is a content heavy unit, these notes are a concise and compact summary of all the topics be...

66 pages, 23149 words

ANHB1102: Comprehensive Notes

These notes include everything required for this unit including lecture notes and notes from reading...

76 pages, 24273 words

ANHB1102 detailed notes (NOT FULL- 4 topics only)

Detailed notes with lots of pictures from lectures + book + some lab stuff. DOES NOT COVER EVERYT...

75 pages, 13288 words

ANHB1102 Comprehensive notes (8 topics)

Covers the following topics: Nervous system, Cardiovascular, Respiratory system, Digestive sys...

73 pages, 27793 words

ANHB1102 - Revision Notes

Concise notes covering all of the topics covered in the first year anatomy and human biology unit. G...

35 pages, 7200 words

ANHB Lecture Notes 2015 Sem 2

ANHB1102 notes on everything covered in the lectures.

28 pages, 12470 words


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A really well structured unit but easy to miss deadlines if you are not on top of things. Stay up to date with lectures it is easy to get behind. Attend and participate in tutorials as it is easy participation marks and helps to consolidate content. If you stay on top of content by learning and revising it often you will do very well. Beware that one of the tutes is a cadaver lab. A great unit ultimately!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024

Pretty content-heavy but I would still consider it an easy-HD! 45% of the grade was basically free marks as they were online quizzes and participation marks. Fiona and Vanessa were great unit coordinators :) The content taught was also really interesting! I just wish there was more exam practice questions we could do to prepare ourselves for the final exam. Overall, a great unit!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024

Not as good as ANHB1101. Each lecture has a lot more content - PLEASE DON’T TRY TO MAKE HANDWRITTEN NOTES. I tried to since I managed well in ANHB1101, but there’s just too much to write in this unit, you’ll spend 2-3 hrs more on each lecture than you need to. The content is easy, so if you just watch the lecture within the hour and annotate slides, you will be much much better off. I’d say it’s still easy HD because it’s easy to keep a 100% average before the exam, and you only need like 68% in the exam to get HD overall. Exam is 100 MCQ questions, but boy were they WORDY. I felt a lot of time pressure coz it took forever and a day just to read the question. Still, the questions weren’t particularly difficult, just long. Definitely more application questions than in ANHB1101 but still pretty straight forward. There’s a large genetics component which I thought was tricky at first but it isn’t really, once I understood it became one of the better topics because there’s not as much to memorise (just a bit of simple maths). Content is interesting and easy, just too much of it. The unit layout and execution is exactly the same as ANHB1101. Overall, easy HD but if you have the choice, do ANHB1101. One last thing - I hated the cadaver lab, smelled so frickin putrid and we didn’t learn anything new - a diagram would’ve been more useful. I guess it’s good experience but literally you don’t need it for the exam, anything to do with cadaveric images is already on lecture slides. Participate at your own discretion.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Most annoying thing is that the content for lecture and tutorial most of the time shades importance on difference aspects of the same topic. This makes revision so content-heavy if you have not done human bio before. Apparently a lot of the stuff is covered lightly in ANHB1101, so maybe a good idea to do that beforehand if you had no exposure. Also the lecture learning outcomes are so broad, and the exam does not test everything. Not an easy elective and don't forget to do the quizzes.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

This unit is definitely more fun than ANHB1101 Content- much heavier than ANHB1101; a good prerequisite for PHYL1001 as there is some overlap between content. Genetics is a huge component in ANHB1102, and histology as well. Tutorials- fun and engaging; we had a couple cadaver labs and it was a good opportunity to see the real life stuff that we were learning Assessments- the format is exactly like ANHB1101: online pre-labs (though lengthier than ANHB1101), online quizzes (all submitted in week 12). Exam- is slightly less superficial than ANHB1101. 100MCQs in 2 hours. Overall, a good unit to take if you're used to content-heavy units, but do NOT take if you're hoping for less content/less work. This unit requires some degree of work and effort.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Easy HD, although less so than ANHB1101. 30% of your grade is online quizzes with infinite attempts, 10% is attendance to tutorials, making for a 60% exam. Daunting, but you get 40% of your grade completely for free. Not sure what impact having highschool human biology knowledge would have, but I did fine without it. Unit coordinators are fun and very enthusiastic, but felt less "present" than in last semester. Unit has 35 lectures, so is a little more content heavy (than ANHB1101), although the first is a summary of content from last semester. Tutorials are engaging and interesting, similar to in first semester. Mostly a fun unit, covering a wide array of body systems. All the lectures which cover body systems are very enjoyable, generally speaking the ones which don't aren't. The locomotion lectures are horrible, not enjoyable whatsoever. The human ecology and behaviour lectures are just dull memorisation with some flimsy concepts flung at it. Similar to in ANHB1101, this unit randomly has some non-anatomical subjects thrown into it, in this case genetics. The genetics lectures are quite easy though, and prior knowledge isn't required but would allow for a lot of the content to be glazed over. Unit is not entirely free from evolution if that's something you dislike, since the locomotion lectures, as horrible as they are, cover it somewhat. Exam is fully MCQ and a bit less superficial than in ANHB1101. Histology questions show up in the exam which are never fun. For a level one unit it's content heavy, but not too much so in comparison to second year anatomical human biology. Obviously is very good to do alongside ANHB1101, but isn't required and only a little extra work is required if you didn't do it. Personally I found this unit a little less enjoyable than ANHB1101, since it's a bit more content heavy. Unit complements SCIE1106 well, good choice to do them both in the same semester. Like with ANHB1101, IMED1001 covers similar content, with a half-focus on physiology. Although it covers a different area of biomedicine, PATH2210 is a good unit to follow this on with, as it gives an overview of common diseases assoacited with the body systems taught in this unit. Note that while this unit does have a 3 star rating (currently), a lot of the visible reviews are high star. Not sure what this means, maybe the low star reviews are older.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

Really good subject, thoroughly enjoyed it and the tutorial sessions were great consolidation

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

Just as good, if not better, than ANHB1101. The course is so well structured and the effort that Vanessa, Fiona and the tutors put into the unit is clear from the get go. The tutorials are well designed and my tutor Pat was amazing and really helped me understand concepts when I was struggling. Lectures were actually pretty interesting - and the content you learn is super fascinating - and the ability to look at real life specimens including a cadaver lab in week 10 really help solidify your understanding. The prelabs and tests are fair and both Vanessa and Fiona were quick to answer student queries on the forum. Yes it is a lot of content however it is super manageable if you stay on top of your work. Couldn't recommend this unit enough

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

The top tier structure and quality of this unit is reflective of the amount of care and effort Vanessa, Fiona and the ANHB1102 team put into this course. The tutorials are highly interactive and solidify your understanding of each topic week by week, and gives you an opportunity to visualise concepts in the real world by looking at real specimens. Each topic has an online pre-lab and online test which can be repeated as many times as you like and your highest score will be taken for optimal results. The questions can change each time so that you have plenty of practice material ahead of the exam. The content goes through each organ system each week (nervous system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, urinary system etc) and really helps you understand your body a lot more. Could not recommend this unit enough- even more enjoyable than 1101 (although, that unit was excellent as well).

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Lectures are frequently overloaded with excess material. The tutorials are very fun and engaging, but can vary based on the tutor you get. Assessments only involve participation and simple, repeatable weekly quizzes. Exam was all MCQ (thanks COVID). If you did HBIO in high school, easiest HD of your life :)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020