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Lectures are all theory with almost no actual coding demonstrated and important topics were covered fairly quickly with poor explanations. Projects and mid-sem were fairly easy but the exam format was kinda dumb for assessing this kind of topic and very time pressured, I don't think anyone in my exam room finished. If you didn't do comp sci in high school and want to do well in this unit, then you'll need to do a lot of study outside of the lectures every week just to stay on top of things. As an introductory unit it really falls short of the mark, I'm only not giving it one star because the mid-sem and projects were easy marks and I had a good lab tutor. No point doing this if you don't have to, there are better ways of learning java.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Coming from someone with experience in programming, this unit was very boring, presented poorly and held very little of my attention. I didn't struggle with learning concepts, but there are valid complaints that you don't truly get taught how to code. The labs for this unit aren't marked, but are quite mundane and require work on your part to get set up (no automated marking). The best thing I can recommend for newcomers is to practice the coding aspect anyway, as this is the single best way to improve you understanding of the programming language.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

If this is your first time coding then you will struggle. Theory is ok. Lecture slides are sort of okay you might want to Google some concepts for better answers. Lecturer was incomprehensible and it was so bad another person had to start uploading their previous semester's lectures. Also poor communication of important information. Project 1 was made extremely poorly with a ton of logical errors and typos which made it impossible to complete without extended knowledge before they fixed it almost a week later. Project 2 was fine but that's only because it was reused from previous years. Mid-sem is easy. Exam sucks (woohoo handwriting code in pen!).

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

teacher with heavy accent, very lack of initiative even student ask for help, dead forum, bad organise of topics, lack of clear explanation, no practise exam/past paper answer, how are we suppose to know if we doing it correctly or not? the prof. said we can ask them in a forum, but it takes 3 to 4 days for a course with 1 prof two TA to answer a question about a past paper in 2018. Who has the time to wait? 2 projects, one is a group project, many labs with lots of meanless words and no answers, note with no formate and paragraphing. Strongly suggest not to take this course if it's not compulsory. Or don't choose Semester 2 with prof. Aj

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Maybe we had a different unit coordinator for this semester but honestly, this is the worst unit I've done by far. Not because it's difficult but because it's just... boring. The "awkwardly sitting in a lecture room with 7 other people in silence while the lecturer answers his own question" kind of boring. The unit coordinator doesn't even show up to the lectures except like 2 times. I felt quite sorry for the lecturer to be honest. The lectures were way too slowly paced to the point where we often had to ignore important parts of the project because we never touched on them in the lecture. For example, in project 2 we had to use the MouseListener class which wasn't even introduced at the time until some time later. Even then I had to do extra research cause I didn't quite understand them from the lectures along. I think lab 6 had 3 lab sheets because they had to somehow dump enough info to 'prepare' us for project 1. Maybe that's why it felt so boring because a lot of time was gone into over-explaining examples. We also jumped into the ArrayList class before even covering what arrays are (which were introduced waaay later on). The loops were introduced in 2 separate lectures whereas the for loop and while loop could have been condensed into 1 lecture. The workshops felt unplanned because they were supposed to be like QnA sessions (which was bad since only like around 5 people showed up to them). The case studies from the lectures could have been moved to these workshops, or these workshops to look at examples of for loops and while loops and... yeah, I really don't like this unit. The help forum is like a ghost town, maybe it's just me but it seems like very few people use it. The communication with students was also really shit. They wiped out our mid-semester marks when they were trying to assign us our project 2 partner and there was no response until a few days later with an email that just says "we fixed it" or something like that. If you want to do this as an elective, do CITS1401 instead. Python is a lot easier to understand and also that unit was way better than this one.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

If you did Computer Science ATAR or have previous coding experience, you'll find this unit way easier than others. However, if you don't have any previous experience in computer science be warned this unit will be difficult and not a good introductory unit to computer science despite it being a core unit. Overall, this unit could have been organised better, designed to better cater to those who did not do Computer Science ATAR. Many will find this unit as the decider on whether if you want to continue on with software engineering or computer science, so decide carefully.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

A decent introduction to object-oriented programming overall, even to the untrained prospective programmer. If you keep up with the labs, engage with the tutors and help forums when needed, then this unit should be a breeze.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

As someone who has never done any coding and has no previous knowledge of computer science, I found this unit challenging. The projects were hard and difficult to understand. The midsem was multi choice and was easy because it repeated lots of questions from previous tests. Final exam was very time pressured. Overall, I learnt A LOT from this unit but takes the extra step to understand concepts if you are new

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Decent starting unit. The lecturer is friendly and projects are simple enough to do.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Great unit which explained the fundamentals of object-oriented programming using Java in a suitable manner for people with minimal prior experience in programming

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018