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2-hour lecture-tutorials fail to teach what 5-15 minute youtube explainers successfully explain. The accent is not a problem and also not his fault. Amitava however makes no attempt to engage the students so despite my good track record with focus throughout computer science lectures, I found myself nodding off or looking for snacks frequently throughout just to force myself to get through it. If you're going to make inherently interesting content unbearably boring to listen to, at least teach it in a way that's easily comprehensible. Labs and project were well constructed and I found them both interesting and enjoyable.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Terrible unit. Most of the other Computer Science units were decent but this one is really unorganised. 1. I usually can not understand the Professor in the lectures because of the accent. 2. The lectures give no help in how to compile and test the programs which is something that was not taught in the "software engineering with java" unit everybody would of taken, since we used BlueJ and was not taught how to properly use Java.exe to compile. Since we only used BlueJ in the previous unit there is a massive knowledge gap in java. When I emailed the Professor he took 2 weeks to respond and the response turned out to be incorrect, and it took me 6 weeks to figure it out the error myself. He does not teach how to compile your own tester program. 3. He has the incorrect due dates on his labs, the next lab says it's due in two days from now but from his response to a question on the CITS2200 forum it was actually due 9 days ago. He made no announcement about that. It was also due during the break which meant the labs were actually closed anyway. 4. He does not repond to questions on the forum and when he does it is always just "look at lecture material". He has only made 1 announcement on lms the entire semester and 0 emails about whats happenening in the unit. 5. the labs are terrible. Usually only 2 out of 30 computers in the entire lab room even turn on, 3/4 of the chairs in there are broken somehow lol. Most have the entire back ripped off or the cushions have been ripped out lmao. For some reason even though they are unusable they are just left there meaning the labs probably never maintenanced, there are literally just a bunch of broken chairs just scattered everywhere around the room getting in the way LMAO. All of the cables in the computers have been pulled out for some reason so there are usually only one or two computers that are usable, I spend more time learning about which cable goes where to get the computer running so I guess thats an extra skill you will learn since it is computer science lol (the lab assistant just shrugs his shoulders).

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

The actual content is quite good and provides a good basis for other cits units, but sometimes I found the lecturer's explanations really unclear along with the descriptions of lab tasks and the project. Assignments were relatively fair, but I found it strange that you can only get full marks for the project if you learn how to implement algorithms that aren't covered in the lectures, which was pretty time consuming trying to learn about on top of everything else. I'll note that if, like me, you find some explanations difficult, there are a lot of great resources online that cover the same topics that can supplement your learning (would highly recommend Abdul Bari's youtube series on algorithms, since it covers most of the same topics with good visual demonstrations and really clear explanations, particularly for graph algorithms).

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

One of the core units and the lecturer is horrid. Accent can be very difficult to understand and he will never directly answer the question. Focus on other material other the one provided by the lecturer since a large amount is available online for free.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Good labs and interesting lecture material. Last two labs and project are somewhat difficult.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014