Ancient Greece

Dillon, Matthew

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The Greek lectures were highly interesting and provided a great overview of that subject. The tutorials were also engaging. However, most of the Rome lectures were quite dry and overly concerned with minutiae - i.e. very obscure figures which had very little impact on history as a whole were dealt with instead of the major characters.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

I can’t speak for lectures because I only read the powerpoints, but tutorial was great! I had Chris as the teacher and he was super helpful, supportive and clearly passionate about the subject. Required reading is essential to pass and get full marks for tutorial.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

This unit made me drop Classics as a major. The first half where we discuss Greek history is great! But once we got into Rome I found the lecturer unhelpful. The PowerPoints made no sense and I struggled to engage with the lesson making it difficult to want to learn the content. In my opinion, the exam is asking for too much in too little time.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

You have to voluntarily speak in tutes to get full marks - so would recommend doing required readings. The exam was quite straightforward (made up of 2 source analyses and 2 essays) however suggested layout/info needed to be included in the source analyses is not provided. Nor, in my opinion, is enough information/detail given to be able to write a decent essay.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Fun and interesting unit - most assignments are essays or other forms of writing which was a bit annoying (I hate writing). But the content was very good :)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016