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Biomedicine & Genetics, MMI || Anki, Exam Prep and Assignments Hello! I am a first year medic...


Amazing unit. I learned so much about women's health across the board. Demelza and Philippa are extremely supportive as well. This unit can be challenging with assignments and writing if you aren't used to writing in a scientific way. You can still pass if you struggle writing in this way, and there was so much valuable information taught

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Really good! Lots of work and none at the same time, marking is a bit to subjective for me. Demelza and Phillipa are amazing and really care about their students. The weekly lectures were to early for me and better to do online. Highly recommend if interested in medical research.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

While I did enjoy this unit this is not an easy HD. I found that the assignments were marked pretty harshly compared to other units I’ve completed. I only just scraped through with a HD and I put quite a lot of effort into my assignments. The averages for each assignment were about 65-68%. It’s a great unit if you want the bonus of no exam at the end of semester but the assignments during semester can be a little tedious and require some effort. If you do well at assignments and like academic writing then it’s great. Demelza and Phillipa are great and really care about their students and give great feedback from assignments which you can use to improve your mark on the next assignment. As someone who regularly attended the 8am lectures, please make more of an effort to attend as the guest lecturers are doctors and professionals who sacrifice their own time to get up at 8am before going to their own day job to present to us. Most of the time only 4-5 students turned up and this was pretty embarrassing. This was out of the unit coordinators control and they did try to push for more attendance but yeah just be a decent person and turn up if you can, they’re interesting lectures. If you’re interested in the field of medical research this is a great unit but this is not an easy HD by any means so I wouldn’t choose it if you’re looking to do minimal effort 👍🏼

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Hahahahaha guys Demelza and Philippa release the grade distribution with every assignment. In 2021 these were: Test 1, mean grade 24/30 (80%); Guest JC, it looks like 64 students got either a D or HD, and there were around 130 enrolled so that's just under half of the students in the unit; DIY Jc, it looks like 83 students got either a D or HD, so that's nearly two thirds of the students in the unit; Test 2, over 100 students got a D or HD; DIY JC Video, around 63 students got a D or HD which is around half again. So yeah if you pay attention and read the feedback and ask questions on the discussion board it really pays off. Around half the students in this unit got a D or HD so the odds are good if you want to improve GPA.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Honestly the least favourite unit I've done so far. Do not be fooled by previous reviews and the unit's no exam, this unit is not an easy unit AT ALL. The markers pay very little attention to the effort you put into your assignments and mark every assignment based on a very subjective and narrow criteria. The first assignment was a guest journal which was very hard to do, in terms of knowing what the unit coordinators expect of you. Hence, the average was in the high 60s and very minimal amount of students secured a HD. The DIY journal was a little bit better as we understood what the UC expected from us through the feedback provided from the last journal. However, marking was still very subjective (for both journals) and nobody scored over 90% for each assignment which shows how picky they are. The video was also weirdly marked. About one fifth of your video mark is marked by your peers and results given by peers and the UC were very different, thus demonstrating how narrow-minded the markers are. Despite this, the online LMS tests were a lot easier. Overall, I would not do this unit if you are looking to boost your GPA as it seems that this unit does the complete opposite.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

reviews below me are an absolute joke

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

The content in this unit is very very interesting. Highly diverse range of issues are dealt with, and are done so with a high level of skill by all the guest lecturers. The tutorials were also very interesting, and there are some interesting topics for the journal clubs. There's 2 tests, all MCQ, and all really easy LMS tests. Additionally, there's also a few assignments. The first was a guest journal club, which is just a summary of one of the journal clubs given, and is not hard. The second assessment was a DIY journal club where we wrote our own summary on some research paper, and was harder, but not too bad. The third assessment was a video, and you either do well or struggle. Demelza and Phillipa are both A+++++ coordinators and are always helpful with getting us through the unit. Definitely HDable if you give in the effort, and best of all, no exam!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

This unit’s content was very interesting, with 2 guest lecturers coming in each week and giving a lecture on the topic they specialise in like menopause, IVF, pubertal development etc. Some lecturers had long slides but any content that the lecturers didn’t cover was not assessed in the 2 tests (30 multiple choice Qs). The first assignment consisted of a summary of a journal club presented by different guest speakers which was marked kinda harshly considering the lack of detail in the instruction for the assignment. The remaining 2 assignments were marked more easily comparatively. The 2 multiple choice tests are very straightforward as they tested basic facts and understanding of the lectures and I would highly recommend looking at the lecture outcomes provided before the test to hone in on the info that will be tested. The 2 unit coordinators also made a good effort to create allotted times in the week where they were available to answer questions over Zoom which was nice. Overall, a HD in this unit is definitely achievable with a moderate amount of study and is good if you want to gain a basic understanding into the method of reading and understanding a journal article.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

The content is so interesting and the assignments are really good preparation for future research/assignments in other units. My best advice for the assignments is to start early. It takes a while to get your head around them but overall the marking is fair. The two MCQ tests are ok but pay attention to all the seemingly insignificant numbers/facts in lectures. Demelza and Phillipa are amazing unit coordinators who really want you to do well! Highly recommend!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

good subject, lots of group projects which suck but no exam!!!! lectures are too early in the morning but you can easily catch up online

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018