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View all LAWS4103 notesContract Textbook Chapter Summaries
Summary Notes taken from the prescribed textbook on every relevant chapter per week of semester.
66 pages, 24976 words
Contract Law
4103 Contract Law Includes case notes, step by steps and authorities. Identifying the Parties...
36 pages, 11387 words
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$25 per hour
** Few spots left for Term 2 2023** Are you in need of a friendly, reliable and professional tutor...
Difficult and dry at times. Exam was OK. Had an awful tutor and would have preferred the positive tutorial experiences other people had with the lecturer.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
I would say contract exam was just as hard as criminal or property, you could really stuff any of these up if you didn't practice past papers. This is a great subject though, Robyn and Tracey are really good teachers.