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PATH2210 Notes

Notes including the topics: -Introduction to gross anatomical pathology -Introduction to Human Di...

149 pages, 42658 words


$25 per hour

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Hello my name is Michael. I graduated with a Double Bachelors of Biomedical Science in: Pathology an...


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Would be a challenging HD if the final exam was actually somewhat difficult. Thankfully for some people it wasn't, so this unit is a breeze despite it being very content heavy. Making summaries of your notes is important due to the depth of content, however I'd highly recommend trying to memorise all the content in preparation for subsequent units. Unit has 32 lectures. The unit coordinator (Jacob Kenny) is great and is very enthusiastic. Tutorials introduce you to the pathology museum (online), and in the last 2 tutorials you get to go there in person. Tutorials aren't really engaging except for the last one, and taking good notes during the tutorials is worthwhile. The first tutorial is quite different from the rest however, and involves a little bit of statistics. Exam is surprisingly easy and covers content only to a very, very superficial level, making it quite easy to maintain a high average with. Exam is half EMQ and SAQ, and you get a choice of 2 out of 6 SAQs to write on. Would highly recommend for IMED students, as the IMED units don't cover content in enough depth, or have frankly any focus on pathology. First level anatomy units may help somewhat since histology is important in this unit to be able to identify specimens, however it's not a large part of the unit. Additionally, since the unit presents diseases pertaining to body systems, I'd recommend doing ANHB1102 beforehand, so you can expand your understanding of body systems by including some diseases associated with each. PATH2220 is a great unit to follow this up with, and is less content heavy. Some content in PATH2210 also re-appears in PATH2220. Note that some reviews mention a mid-sem test, this does no longer exist. There are only 4 modules (quizzes beforehand and based on the 4 tutorials), and a 60% exam. Also the exam is no longer online. Not sure what the review about the exam being stressful is on about, it was very easy in comparison to the depth of content covered by the lectures. The 5 star review talking about this unit being a GPA booster is correct in that attaining a HD isn't too difficult, however if you find memorisation difficult, note that both this unit may be a struggle to get a HD in, and that medicine may not be for you.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

A super interesting introduction to anatomical pathology. Each week a body system is introduced and various pathologies described, I did not attend any tutorials however heard they were very informative and interesting. Lecturers were pretty interesting and informative, as they were delivered by different professionals each week your mileage may vary. Tests are based on the tutorials however you can kinda cheat as most of the specimens were on the online path museum so you could read the specimen description and answer the questions from there. The content was quite in-depth and there is A LOT. I did the deferred exam, multi choice questions were quite easy but as a recommendation for the short answer definitely learn the diseases, don’t focus too much on how the system actually works. questions were heavily based on pathogenesis/symptoms/treatments of various diseases rather than focusing on structure/function. DO NOT LEAVE UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE!! There is simply too much content they can examine you on and you will get really stressed!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Highly recommended and frankly quite "easy" unit especially for those taking the Anatomy & Human Bio major, since you are looking at pathology specimens and have to make macroscopic observations. A great intro unit especially for those considering med, as the detail they teach you in this unit is ALLEGEDLY more in depth then what is taught in UNDERGRAD med. Unit has 4 modules, with open book untimed quizzes, would recommend getting into a sizeable group and each person take turns submitting first so as a group you can hopefully weed out the mistakes and get 100% on the quizzes, which is very achievable (sorry to the first person to submit though, you may not get 100 on that quiz but you'll be fine for other quizzes). Lectures were lectures can't say they were particularly exciting but Jacob does a good job delivering what you need so can't really ask for more then that, but make sure to comb the slides for quiz answers as the may be hidden from ctrl F. Content load wasn't too heavy as mid-sem only consisted of content from modules 1 & 2 only, and end of sem exam only consisted of module 3 & 4 with no module 1 & 2 content, both of which were online open book exams, only issue is if you are a slow typer as you may struggle slightly for time as some questions/specimens require quite a lengthy explanations. While in my opinion this is a fairly 'easy' HD unit do not underestimate it, this is not a unit you can leave all the lectures to study week and expect a HD, a pass for sure but not a HD, Jacob does like to ask for super nitty gritty details that he might've only mentioned once before in the exam since its open book. Also make extensive use of the the path museum and ss and save all the pathology specimen pictures/code numbers from the quizzes and tutes and create a little glossary of some kind whilst copying the descriptions from the path museum, this will make your life 10x easier in exams as Jacob will most definitely reuse a specimen covered in the quizzes/tutes, which one and what he asks about the specimen who knows but he definitely will reuse a specimen. Overall if your gunning for med and need a GPA booster, this is a good unit for just that.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

really interesting and enjoyable!! definitely make sure you keep on top of the work and frequently revise it as it is a lot of content, but the final exam is very straightforward! the unit is divided into 4 modules, each of which has 3 quizzes based on lecture/tutorial material - theyre untimed and open book so you can really focus and get as many marks possible! the tutorials were delivered as online videos this semester, which i found to be more useful than the one face to face tutorial i did attend.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Very content heavy (3x 1h lectures per week) but assessments are quite easy during the semester and the final exam ended up being relatively straight forward. Exam structure is same as described as 2017 anon. Found it was really easy to fall behind.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Lots of content to memorise and learn in a short amount of time, so you end up rote learning it. An interesting uni, but you need to be on top of the lectures, if you fall behind, good luck catching up. Each lecture was provided by a different person - mostly professionals in their field from different backgrounds. The final exam contained extended matching questions (EMQs), and 2 essay questions (might be different now), which were hard to prepare for as you had to give a lot of detail. Provides a very good foundation for medicine/health science careers.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Very content heavy. Some lecturers were shit others were great (Sonia) but the topics are generally very interesting.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Super content heavy, but it was pretty interesting. If u study well beforehand and keep up with all the topics (diseases + their causes and diagnosis and treatments) you'll do fine. Final exam is kind of weird but relatively straightforward. Ps: DO NOT STUDY LAST MINUTE! its an insane amount of info you need to know.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

I enjoyed the unit, but it is very content heavy and not organised particularly well. Lectures were very long (3 hours in a row once a week) with different lecturers each topic. This created a disturbance to learning as each lecturer expected a different level of understanding from the student. Overall if you are looking for a good insight and introduction to many disease of the body and are at all interested in post graduate medicine the unit is fantastic. All assessments are online and are relatively straight forward. The exam is worth 60% and consists of strange extended matching multiple choice that are unique to the pathology department and also 3 extended answers from a choice of 5.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015