Pathology at a Glance

Caroline Finlayson, Barry Newell

For sale by Emma for $30

All Lab Worksheet Answers Compiled

Full answers to all of the pathology lab worksheets (don't forget these will be examined in the fina...

89 pages, 15000 words


$25 per hour

** Few spots left for Term 2 2023** Are you in need of a friendly, reliable and professional tutor...


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Biomedicine & Genetics, MMI || Anki, Exam Prep and Assignments Hello! I am a first year medic...


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Hello my name is Michael. I graduated with a Double Bachelors of Biomedical Science in: Pathology an...


Not really a challenging HD - can be achieved quite easily. Unit is organised really well, focusing on distinct topics of disease quite well, usually starting a new topic every week. The first lecture of the week usually goes over the body system/mechanics, then the two following lectures talk about examples of diseases in the system, making for a beautifully organised unit. Unit has 36 lectures, 1 of which isn't assessible, however all the unit's (10) tutorials can be assessed as well. There's 10 two-hour tutorials, some of them cover content extraneous to the lectures, in other cases content can be inferred from understanding of the lectures. Generally it seemed in the mid-sem the tutorials were assessed far less than the lecture content (with an expected ratio of 1:3), but this wasn't the case anymore in the exam. Tutorial quizzes aren't particularly difficult and are untimed so can be done open book, however it is quite challenging to get full marks on these. The mid-semester test was very easy. Aside from the tutorials and tests, there's also an infographic submission, where you choose one disease from a list and create an infographic on the pathogenesis, aetiology, treatment, clinical features, etc. This infographic was quite fun, and a high mark is achieveable in the Design section even if you suck at art, like myself. Infographic isn't marked harshly fortunately. Exam is half EMQ half SAQ like PATH2210, and was surprisingly superficial, barely going into any depth of content whatsoever, with exception of a few select questions. However, unlike PATH2210, the SAQ are much more simple/smaller, and you don't get a selection of SAQs to answer. I'd recommend taking PATH2210 before doing this unit, as there is a little content overlap (for example Inflammation lectures), and they are very similar in nature, both being pathology units. In comparison, PATH2210 is slightly harder despite having less lectures - the lectures go into more detail, so require more memory. Assessment-wise, PATH2220 assessment seemed just as superficial as PATH2210, so with both of these units despite the heavy workload, a good mark can be achieved with an understanding that doesn't go into too much depth. Judging from the mandatory unit requirements, I don't think doing IMED1001 & 1002 would give you any advantage over ANHB1102 and SCIE1106, since none of the 4 units really touch on pathology at all. One review also from this semester suggests the final exam was heavily based on lecture content, however I don't think this was the case, especially with the EMQs. One 2022 review says that going to tutorials isn't worthwhile since you get videos, but this isn't the case anymore, and going to tutorials is most certainly worthwhile, since the unit coordinator reads out answers to the worksheet at the end, some of which end up in the tutorial quizzes. Some older reviews suggest that you weren't given a disease choice for the infographic, however this is no longer the case.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

PATH2220 is a great unit. Lecture wise, there are three per week on a particular topic (e.g., blood and blood disorders). You learn about a disease process in one lecture and then examples in the two following lectures. Tutorials are quite clinically focused while still relating to the lecture content. They were really fun to go through with a good group and tap into problem solving skills to diagnose patients and understand the diseases they are suffering from. Weekly quizzes are based entirely on tutorial content - so attending tutorials is highly beneficial. Tutorial answers weren't released on LMS so if you didn't have a friend who had the answers and didn't do the tutorial, pray that ChatGPT pulls you through for the quizzes. Mid-semester exam was worth 20% and was quite heavily focused on the tutorial content. The assignment is developing an infographic on a certain disease. It was marked fairly and the rubric made it clear what was expected. The final exam was heavily based on lecture content, with 10 EMQs and about 10 SAQ. It was much easier than I had anticipated. Overall a wonderful unit that builds on PATH2210 concepts well in a fun and interactive environment.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

This unit is not as easy as it seems. It requires a lot of memorization, and organization and you need to spend a reasonable amount of time doing the preparation required. I have to say that is really interesting and you will definitely enjoy the lectures if you have done any previous PATH unit however the unit coordinator is not really helpful and takes a long long time to get back to you (not with the answer to what you are after most of the time). The assessments are worth as follows: online quizzes 15%, assignments 15%, mid sem 20% and end semester exam is worth 50%. Online quizzes - there are 9 in total and they all relate to the tutorial material, and some relate to the lectures. PLEASE check on the quiz link before you attempt it what material is covered as it will save you a lot of time if it's only based on the tutorial in case you are behind on the lectures. This is a really good advantage as you can easily prepare for this! They are not hard at all, some of the questions will make you doubt your answer but make sure you dedicate enough time to do this as a good grade is achievable (can be a life saviour in case your mid sem or end-semester exam doesn't go as planned). Assignment - you have a list where can pick your topic, do this with time as there is a certain limit of students that can do a certain topic and if you don't book it quickly you will have to pick something else. It is super easy to get a good grade on this assignment since it is a poster and they provide lots of good examples, they mainly look for something that looks colourful and appealing with not much information (for a good mark, use vibrant colours and few symbols to describe the symptoms or where possible as the unit coordinator likes to see this!) Also, make sure to check the book in the unit outline since it includes some information that you will need for your poster depending on the topic but most topics are included. Mis sem - this year, a lot of us took the "tutorial will be included but mainly lecture content" not seriously. It was around 85% tutorial content and 15% lecture content so make sure you study the tutorials, do the study quizzes, watch the videos (if you don't attend) and ask questions when needed. I didn't think it was useful to go to the tutorials face to face as you get the videos online and it's the same. I went to one and then stopped going cause she will say exactly what is on the videos. End semester - I think it was a fair exam, it was much easier than I thought. I did not feel super prepared for this but I managed to do quite well. This was mainly lecture content rather than tutorial (more like 90% lecture content, 10% tutorial) so don't waste your time on that.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

I found this unit really interesting, but found the content quite difficult. I did this unit without having done PATH2210 but still did quite well, and I felt that Sonia was really organised. The unit had weekly quizzes, a mid-semester exam, a final exam, and an assignment. I highly recommend going to the tutorials even though they aren’t compulsory, because that stuff is in the weekly quizzes and pop up in the test and exam. The test was quite easy and if you studied then the exam was alright to. The assignment on breast cancer was the worst part because it was marked extremely hard and the average was 61%. Still my favourite unit for the semester, with content that I found will be quite useful.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

If you search "great organisation" on google, PATH2220 really should be the first result. As stated by a previous review, each week you do a different disease process (eg. one week is cardiovascular diseases and another week will be immune disorders). You have 3 lectures on the topic, a 2 hour tutorial and an online multi-choice test (that has NO time limit) on the content of the tutorial. The unit has a strong clinical focus and tutorials are built around real situations. Sonia is a fantastic unit coordinator who is friendly and does a great job at making the unit and content flow fluidly. Other assessments include a 1500 word assignment on breast cancer and mid semester exam. Both exams are composed of 50% MCQ and 50% short answer. This unit would be the definition of perfect except for two things I hope they rectify in later years, 1: no feedback on the assignment (only general cohort feedback), 2: no practice material for the final exam. I would strongly recommend this unit to anyone interested in the diagnostic side of healthcare, or any biomed major as the content covers a wide variety of diseases and disorders, making it have a little bit of every major in it somehow.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Interesting lots to remember. Kinda difficult. More memory

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

2015 version of this unit was a dramatic improvement over the 2014 one. Extremely interesting and I liked the teaching style - you learn about one disease process per week, followed by the pathologies of 2 example diseases using this process, a weekly lab/workshop that reinforces what you learnt, and finally a weekly quiz on the topic. Each weekly topic is taught by different clinicians/scientists who are experts in the topic, so the information is very up-to-date. Exams were a little tough but they were fair (yes, you do need to know those histology pictures for the final). Only downside is the lecturers and unit coordinator are very inaccessible due to their schedules.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015