Human Physiology : From Cells to Systems

Sherwood, Lauralee

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PHYL2001 Notes & Revision

PHYL2001 notes covering all lecture content, complete with pics/diagrams, useful definitions etc....

86 pages, 17700 words

PHYL2001 Semester Notes (58 Pages)

Comprehensive notes compiled from lecture notes, textbooks and additional information. Organized by...

58 pages, 18199 words

PHYL2001 Semester Notes

Detailed notes from the lectures and readings, perfect for exam revision. All body systems are inclu...

38 pages, 11018 words

PHYL2001 - Semester Notes

Great study tool for during the semester and for your final exam. Notes compiled from lectures, text...

44 pages, 8834 words


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Did it as PHYL1001 and it shocked me how much content there was. The whole unit is disorganised and some topics could have been put together instead of apart. Also there is way too much content for a level 1 unit. The labs were fun, lots of hands on experience, but the pre-lab and lab report quizzes were hard. Overall don't recommend doing if its your first sem in university. (it can be shocking). Update: Coming back to this in second year, the amount of content is still so much and the lecturers don't spend enough time explaining the technical terms. Poor organization of the unit as well. Lecturers kind of expect you to have the basic foundations of some scientific jargon

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

The unit overall was solid and of average difficulty for a science core unit. I found that the exam decently assessed all the content, similar to ANHB1101 in terms of difficulty. This exam was weighted 60%. The other 40% consisted of 3 online pre-lab quizzes (easy to get 100% in), 4 online lab reports (easy to get 90%+ in but requires a bit of time and effort) and a tutorial presentation (easy to get 80%+ in as long as you have a solid presentation). Despite this, some of the unit's content was challenging and difficult to understand, most notably the circulatory and respiratory lectures. However, with continuous study and decent effort, you would have a good chance to get a HD.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Easy to get the 40% through reports and an oral presentation. The exam was challenging and was 60%, which is very high! The lecture content was well taught and understandable.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Very straightforward unit if you did okay in first year. I personally found the content to be really well taught by all lecturers. My only complaint is that with 4 labs and an oral presentation (plus pre-labs, a lab book and tutorial participation), 60% weighting on the exam was a little steep.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

A solid unit overall. Some of the topics were a bit disjointed, with the lectures jumping back and forth between topics. I would 100% recommend attending the labs, otherwise it is so much more difficult to understand what is going on in the lab reports. You can set yourself up pretty well going into the exam if you put a bit of effort into the lab reports. The tutorial presentation isn't too bad, definitely try and get yours done at the beginning of the semester so you don't have to worry about it when you have assessments for other units due. The exam does rely on you cramming a whole bunch of numbers and information in your head but if you start revising early it is definitely doable.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

I found that the experience you take away from this unit is mainly dependent on the tutor you get. My tutor was ok and was an easy marker for the lab reports but marked pretty harshly for the oral presentation compared to other groups (perhaps to compensate for giving out marks for the lab reports?). The respiratory lectures are kinda dry and true to past reviews on this page, a lot of the respiratory content consisted of rote learning equations and numbers. The first 40% of the unit were relatively easy marks but the remaining 60% for the exam was tough because there was quite a bit of content to try to cram in during study week so I would recommend studying in advance for this unit. If you’re looking for an easy elective there are probably better units out there but I will say that this unit does give you a good overview of each body system if you’re pursuing physiology/medicine/hbio related subjects in future.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

The lecturers and content are fantastic! Assessments are well distributed - an oral presentation (6%), tutorial participation (2%), lab book submission (2%), 4 labs (30% - pre-labs worth 3%) and the final exam (60%). All the marks are very achievable, and the tutors and lecturers present everything really well and are very approachable for any questions. The only minor complaint I can make is that some lab reports weren't properly adjusted to be online, but that is completely understandable given what has occurred.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Really interesting content. The labs and lab reports take up A LOT of time however the pre-lab quizzes are easy marks. The oral presentation is marked fairly and I would recommend getting it done early. I found the exam a little difficult with some of the questions being very random. My best advice for the exam is to start revising early and memorise ALL of the respiratory and circulatory equations! Overall a good unit.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Loved the lecturers and content.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

This unit is great! The assessments are very well distributed. Firstly, tutorial participation is an easy 1.5% out of a possible 2% if you sit and seem engaged by asking and answering questions. You must give 1 speech in the tutorial which is worth 6% of your grade. If you invest around 8 hours into this assignment, which included doing research, writing the speech, preparing a PowerPoint and thinking of answers to potential questions, you should easily get 80+. However if you just want to pass then you could just use the lecture slides and make a basic PowerPoint. The prelab quizzes (3 x 1%) are relatively easy if you’ve done the lectures for the respective quiz. You get 2 attempts and the last mark is the one used for your final grade. Easy to get 85+ on these. The 4 x 6.75% lab reports are easy to get 65+ in but if you want 80+ then you should put in a bit of extra work (2 hours max). The questions are uploaded into a word document so you can type responses down and then copy and paste them into the online quiz. The reports are due 3 days post lab so make sure you do them! In addition, you have to submit your lab results book which is worth an easy 2%. The remaining 60% is allocated to the end of semester exam. I must say, if you want to pass this exam you should revise the questions on the lecture slides and those asked in the prelab and lab report. To get an 80+ in the exam, I would recommend studying for at least 18 hours during the study week. Just as a last comment, almost all of the content is connected to another topic, and this comes in handy when studying for the final exam. For example, the physiological control system is related to the reproductive system and cardiovascular system, which is then related to respiratory system and the renal system, which is related to the gastrointestinal system. TLDR: An easy Credit, HD is achievable for a moderator amount of work. Tony is also good for a laugh!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019