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I really enjoyed Science Writing! It was such a great introduction to Science Communication and something completely different to formal scientific writing that really allows you to get creative. Although a little hard to get used to if you're used to only writing scientific reports, once you get the hang of it, the assignments actually become enjoyable. Plus, the unit coordinators and tutors are super approachable and happy to help if you need. I also liked that they unit allowed you to explore more aspects than just pure science journalism like creating infographics and graphic design. Would recommend this unit if you want something to break up your other science-heavy subjects, plus no exams!!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Science Writing was easily one of my favourite units this semester. I thought the unit structure was well planned, and the assignments were great stepping stones to writing creatively, on a topic of our choice. How often do science units allow us to do that?! I think this unit is super important for anyone studying and seeking a career in science. It gives students the tools to communicate efficiently and effectively to non-expert audiences through written contexts. Science should be for everyone and the ability for students to write about their research, or what science-y thing they find interesting is critically important! Especially if we want the future of STEM to grow, we need to make science stuff interesting, fun and highlight its importance in every day life. Not to mention, this unit was fun and moderately easy = Easy Marks!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

There's no rubric for assignments. It is really hard to get a good mark. This unit is almost like a self learning unit. I regret

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

I really enjoyed this unit, even though SCOM isn't my major, and definitely learnt a lot of skills that are transferable to other units.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

We all know it, SCOM subjects suck! This one is no exception. Only take this if you seriously want to be a science journalist. Its organization is pretty poor, its hard to find the unit outline. The marking also seems to be quite arbitrary. They try to trick you by showing you content from previous students; those examples should be what NOT to do.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018