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SSEH1102 Final Exam Notes (Mark = 98% HD)

These are fully comprehensive notes covering the content of the entire semester. They include lectur...

77 pages, 16000 words

SSEH1102 Lecture Notes

SSEH1102 Lecture Notes Includes laboratory notes relevant to lecture material Studied off this doc...

39 pages, 8941 words

SSEH1102 - Human Structure & Athletic Performance

Notes taken from all lectures for SSEH1102.

64 pages, 1000 words


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In 2 years this was probably the worst unit I've done. The labs are okay and there's a group assignment from the work you do from the labs but the marking criteria is shit so it's hard to know what's expected of you. In saying that it is still relatively easy and my group got ours done in a couple of hours and still got a good mark. The tennis component is the worst part, you have to do 3 assessments which arent in the unit outline. They would tell us randomly the day before that we were going to be doing an assignment in class the next day, or cancel classes the night before which was really annoying when I had booked days off work for the class, it was so disorganised. You also never got feedback in your tennis assignments so it was hard to know what you needed to improve for next time. The exam was fine, just make sure you can apply your knowledge but also remember lots of small stuff

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019