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STAT1520 Week 1-12 Comprehensive Notes (useful for mid-semester exam and final exam)

If you are looking for updated comprehensive notes on STAT1520 (Economic and Business Statistics), y...

19 pages, 4002 words

Stats mid-sem exam revision

Covers content from chapters 4-7 Topics - Random variables - Joint distributions - Continuous...

4 pages, 1140 words

Stats final exam revision

Covers content from second half of semester (chapters 8-15) and includes some extra material which w...

8 pages, 2862 words

Mid Semester Cheat Sheet

- A summary sheet of the key topics assessed on the mid semester exam. - Try and write out the s...

3 pages, 400 words


$50 per hour

Hey, I'm Ruben Droogmans, I am currently undertaking a commerce bachelor, majoring in mathematics an...


$29 per hour

ONLINE TUTORING ONLY. I am a recent graduate in Marketing and Accounting. My GPA and WAM stand a...


$60 per hour

Specialise in STAT1520, ECOM2001, PUBH4401, PUBH2203, EPID1000 and PSYC2203 Maths and Stats aren’...


$50 per hour

we offer expert tutoring across a diverse range of subjects and fields. Our team of experienced tuto...


$50 per hour

Hi there, I am currently enrolled in 2nd year of uni at UWA. I am studying a Bachelor of Business...


$25 per hour

Get your study notes at TOVO.EDUCATION * | Premium Service | 1-On-1 Tutoring | Professional Li...


$25 per hour

** Few spots left for Term 2 2023** Are you in need of a friendly, reliable and professional tutor...


$40 per hour

*please refer to the end for availabilities* I tutored STAT1520 for three years while I was at un...


Easy subject for HD. Content is a lot harder than the actual tests itself. Final exam is all MCQ and just interpreting data so doesn't require much thinking. You can also bring UNLIMITED NOTES. My pre-exam mark was 95%. Though the content is difficult the lecturer has made the tests so much easier than the past ones. IDK why so many people complain about it being hard. Only econ/commerce students need to take this unit and if you're doing a degree in either of the two you should have a good understanding of math already. Overall if you got half a brain in math you should easily get D or HD. PS. lecturer is hard to understand.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

I believe it's a slap in the face to be forced to take a unit that costs thousands of dollars, just to have a lecturer that cannot speak competent English. Rather speaks broken english in an accent that is extremely difficult to understand. It's an insult to have to pay this kind of money to receive this kind of service. Furthermore, the expectation that students should already have a certain level of understanding in Math and the fast pace of the unit is unrealistic given that the unit is compulsary.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

First of all, this subject is the one I had the highest score! At first, the lecturer seems to "intimidate" that this subject's passing rate correlates really high with the time u study and attend labs ... i was really WORRIED and CONCERNED, afraid that I might not pass, but eventually, all u need to do is this: (I divide into many points) 1. Lab tutorial: Labs sessions are really crucial and it helps me to understand concepts a lot (also I think it depends on the tutor too). So if u are lazy and don't want to drill a lot on recordings, u can attend labs 2. Blended Learning: Dont skip online lectures, some are really crucial and assessable 3. Chat GPT: I must say I often use chat gpt a lot for assessable quiz but sometimes, chat might calculate wrong, u should study by yourself and don't rely on it 4. Tables data: These things really overwhelm me at first, but after a few lectures, u will absolutely love them cuz each of them is assessable in a SEPARATE and DIFFERENT WAY - Binomial, Poisson is useless! Anyways, sometimes I agree the handwriting on slides is unable to read, but u just need to listen slowly and making notes carefully (some formulas are really similar but different in parameter - u will understand this when u learn STAT1520. Personally, I didn't need any Indian video Utube to teach me cuz I have the foundation in Maths from highschool but u can watch them, depends on u mostly! My tips is work hard, be persistent, don't be shy to ask tutor and eventually, u will have high score

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

One of my favorite units I've done so far, lecturer and tutors are amazing. Content is pretty fast paced but as long as you watch all lectures and attend the labs you should cope pretty well. I've seen many comments complaining about the lecturer's accent and handwriting, I didn't find either to impact my learning at all. I found the tests and exams to be very fair as long as you put in the effort. Yes, this unit requires you to watch pre-recorded lecturers but they are not that bad and quite engaging. Although STAT1520 does provide quite a surface level of statistics, it provides quite a wide range and gave me a good starting base in statistics, which ultimately led to me studying further units in it.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Wanted to comment as someone who was very scared to do this unit coz I was bad at math in high school. Worst part about this unit is that you probably have to teach yourself a lot of the content, because the labs and the lecturer are not fantastic. Lecturer was not very good at explaining, he would make mistakes so much it was sometimes less confusing to just not watch the lecture and look it up on YouTube instead. Weeks 1-5 are very hard if you are from an applications/lower level math background like myself so you will need to push through the mid-semester exam. However if you can make it to weeks 6-12 they are repetitive, easier and less math-heavy, it gets better. Plus the practice tests/exams, lab questions and problem-solving sessions are extremely helpful and a must if you are not confident in your abilities, if anything else I think the key to doing well in STAT is repeating practice questions until you understand what is going on. There are no big surprises in the tests or final exam, I think you can do well (despite the sub-par teaching method) in this unit as long as you are self-sufficient and DO NOT!!! Fall behind. That’s when you will put yourself in a lot of pain haha.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

I GENUINELY DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY THIS UNIT HAS A 4.5 STAR RATING? All of the previous ratings were based on the ex coordinator Marty Firth but the unit coordinator has now changed so here is a real and updated review on the unit. SKETCHY TUTORS: The ex unit coordinator Marty Firth recommended TOM MILLER as a tutor. Don't hire him. He is so unreliable and unprofessional. I hired him as my tutor, he tutored me once then didn't show up to our next session. I had to text and call a couple times to reschedule. He rescheduled then didn't show up again. We rescheduled for later that day and he didn't show up. No apology or explanation. Such a waste of time and money. MASSIVE WORKLOAD: The lectures were way too long, especially for a first year unit. It is not okay to give 3-5 hours worth of lecture material per week. Including hours spent on actually understanding the material, attempting the lab and problem solving questions, it is easily over 10 hours of work per week. HARD CONTENT: None of the content was explained in a user friendly way and the unit operates on the assumption that students have previously studied math methods in high school, when in reality, most students studied math essentials or applications and do not have the foundation knowledge required to successfully complete the unit. LECTURER: The lecturer was not good. His accent was too hard to understand, he made mistakes in the lectures, rambled on way too much about irrelevant things and his handwriting was way too messy to read. Half of the lecture slide content was incomplete and required us to rewatch the lectures for any info which was really annoying. ASSESSMENTS: The assessments could have been explained better, especially the final exam. I did not expect it to be mainly MCQ and would not have wasted money hiring a tutor if I knew it was multi choice. I also did not like how the assessments were online because it is extremely difficult to write notation using a laptop. NO SUPPORT: There was also hardly any assistance provided to students who needed help apart from labs, which weren't compulsory and weren't very helpful. So as you can imagine, it is extremely easy to become disheartened and lose motivation to do well in the unit. WHY? This should not be a foundation unit for the Commerce major, it is hardly relevant to Commerce and is more relevant to math and engineering. Lots of commerce students hate this unit and UWA shouldn't force us to take units we don't enjoy, especially since we are paying thousands for these units! Overall, do not take this unit unless it is compulsory. You will spend a lot of resources including time and money trying to achieve an average grade.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

This unit may seem daunting at first, but is honestly one of the easier units to do well in. The unit outline did change from previous semesters to ensure fairness for f2f and online students though. Assessments included of weekly quizzes and four tests in total (test 1, midsem, test 2, and final). The tests seemingly have little variety from the past papers. Final exam is full MCQ and open book so that's a plus. Marty answers questions on the discussion board promptly and explains them clearly. There is a lot of content to cover however, the concepts are easy to wrap your head around. Marty is very clear with his explanations and provides plenty of practical examples during the lectures (unfortunately Marty isn't teaching anymore). Only downside is that sometimes the tutorial questions would include questions that make you think out of the box rather than actually being assessable. Definitely recommend this unit for an easy HD.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

One of the most amazing subjects there is. Marty is always available to answer questions via email and is quick at it too. The tutors are knowledgeable in the subject and are always willing to explain. Although the subject does require work and the load is heavy if you are willing to put in the work then a HD is very achievable. The assessments are easy and going to the lectures are helpful as the first half is a review and the second half is the subject.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

Great unit assessments are very easy. Did find the load a bit much with having to watch videos on top of attending lecture but if you took methods the unit is very simple.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

One of the best units, everything was provided, nothing was lacking. Tutors were friendly and helpful.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021