- Subjects
- Engineering
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- 57 ANU Engineering ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Engineering subjects at ANU...
Excellent course. Really well run. Great teaching team, well delivered content. The assessment was w...
1 day ago
Horrible course. Convenor was really snobby and the course is meant to be python for beginners altho...
7 months ago
Fantastic course. A lot of work but worth it.
2 years ago
Poorly run course, 4 hours of lectures a week + 2-5 textbook sections 1.5hr of contact to cover cont...
2 years ago
Very fun and interactive course, despite rona. Kiara is a great course convenor
2 years ago
Main focus is on presenting material. No methods, very little research. They say Engineering Researc...
4 years ago
5 years ago
Lecture notes were totally changed from this semester, which has lots of bugs that make it difficult...
5 years ago
This is a tough module with many difficult wireless communication concepts. Prof Nan Yang is a reall...
5 years ago
Waste time and money. This course is more likely discussing philosophy and social science issues rat...
5 years ago
A useless course which is very annoying and insignificance.
5 years ago
5 years ago
这门课的管理层非常混乱,midterm report 和thesis 的写作内容和打分标准在due 前4天才上传,整个wattle页...
5 years ago
5 years ago
An easy subject in which students can course with a little understanding of the concepts involved. W...
5 years ago
loved it, but the final assignment is a LOT of work
6 years ago
The content itself is relatively easy, but workload is a lot.
6 years ago
Lecturers are amazing!
7 years ago
A pretty good maths course for further developing the skills you may need for other classes and prof...
9 years ago
First year course, relatively easy. Just do more practice and it will guarantee you achieving a goo...
9 years ago
Salmon teaches this course superbly well. I also enjoyed this course along with 2217. There is a goo...
10 years ago
Shankar teaches this course well. I enjoyed this course. If you understand the core concepts in this...
10 years ago
I can't imagine a better presentation of the course. Fair warning though; I found it hard to wrap my...
10 years ago
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