- James Cook
- Subjects
- Business
- 361 JCU Business textbooks
- 24 JCU Business tutors
- 61 JCU Business ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Business subjects at James Cook...
The subject is good to improvise on a personal level.
5 years ago
Good subject, but lecturer put me to sleep.
6 years ago
Overall a subject with great content, however the three hour workshop wasn't necessary.
6 years ago
I did this subject as a block. It was taught and delivered very well. Overall a great subject.
6 years ago
Mean lecturer.
6 years ago
Very interesting subject!
6 years ago
Overall great subject. Very conceptual so there's a lot of processes to remember. Taught very thorou...
6 years ago
Lecturer went through all the topics and assignments thoroughly.
6 years ago
Challenging subject with an amazing lecturer. He was very approachable and would let the class know...
6 years ago
Lecturer was really supportive, found the content difficult to navigate.
6 years ago
Its a reasonably easy subject. Need to do a bit of extra towards the end of the semester
7 years ago
Great foundation subject for the rest of the accounting degree. So it's really important. The lectur...
7 years ago
Understanding the lecturer is the first task, then after week 5, an overload of information expected...
8 years ago
Not a very intriguing class for me personally. There weren't any interesting perspectives from my le...
8 years ago
I'm not a business student myself, this was an elective subject and I found Dr. Alf Kuliboer very in...
8 years ago
Went from easy to super hard in a blick of an eye. Has a HIGH fail rate. Found both the...
10 years ago
Meh class. HATED the lecture spent most of my time trying to understand him then learning. Resulting...
10 years ago
Easy class and assignment has a lot in same with BU1105
lecture as good so had him as the my tutor...
10 years ago
Average class.... found it pointless but really easy... SUPER nice lecturer/workshop teacher only ha...
10 years ago
Good Lecturer ... Hard class
will really help you in passing
10 years ago
Good subject- the lecturer did all possible to ensure that the students understood, be it tutorial a...
10 years ago
While a potentially interesting subject, the delivery and teaching methods were questionable. The th...
10 years ago
Interesting content, although does seem quite repetitive at times. The assessment was reasonable, bu...
10 years ago Browse JCU subjects areas: