- James Cook
- Subjects
- Health
- 315 JCU Health textbooks
- 4 JCU Health tutors
- 76 JCU Health ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Health subjects at James Cook...
I have a really good understanding of this subject.
1 year ago
Great subject. Lecturer is super knowledgeable. Assessment peices fit well with the subject. There i...
3 years ago
Focuses mainly on theory rather than practical, and form the foundation for the rest of the degree.
3 years ago
More comprehensive subject material but very interesting to study and learn
4 years ago
Focuses mainly on the basics and foundations required for the rest of the course
4 years ago
Great lecturers, highly relevant and interesting content. Also very well organised.
7 years ago
So much information but if you did Year 12 Biology you will be fine. Also the exam is mostly multipl...
7 years ago
(Sem 1 2016) This subject is pretty easy and all the lecturers are very friendly. It's split into th...
7 years ago
loved this subject, well organised, great material and great approachable lecturer. tests and assess...
8 years ago
FANTASTIC lecturer, content EXTREMELY interesting, though very heavy and so much to remember. Lab cl...
8 years ago
Can be completed without going to lectures - review slides as all information is contained there. Tu...
8 years ago
Fantastic lecturer and subject head, however assignments rather objective, very dry subject.
8 years ago
Very interesting but very heavy, lots of knowledge required. READ THE TEXT.
8 years ago
Fantastic subject, great for the novice nurse researcher
8 years ago
Online learning may not suit everyone's learning styles. But students should not shy away if it does...
8 years ago
It is important to keep up with your lectures so you don't fall behind. In this subject it is hard t...
9 years ago
I found this subject to be interesting and informative regarding the human condition. My only proble...
10 years ago
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