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Do not do this unit unless you love...I mean love Astronomy!! This unit is unorganised and messy. Th...

6 years ago


Well organised unit and the most interesting unit I have done so far in my first year at MQ

6 years ago


A lot of content to revise and go over for the final exam. The stats lecturer does make the course a...

6 years ago


Pracs were mainly for assignment work. Referencing requirements were hard to follow. Felt like Lectu...

6 years ago


Content was really interesting, however required lots of time to actually understand. Lecturer didn'...

6 years ago


You must be joking right??? Although the lecturers seemingly very nice... Some of the MCQ in the fin...

6 years ago


Very disorganised. The work was easy enough to keep up with (staying a week ahead of the quizzes is...

7 years ago


Absolutely awesome course. The convenor, Adam, was exceptional in his presentation and moderation of...

7 years ago


This class is an insult to intelligence. The only place it should have is in preparation for uni c...

7 years ago


Lecturer and co-lecturer are really good (not dry) even if the lecture content is dry. The labs are...

7 years ago


I liked this unit and I liked Shoba (unpopular opinion). I ended with a high mark, but invested a lo...

7 years ago


Didn't enjoy this unit as I'm studying chem/bio. Lectures were sometimes interesting with the live d...

7 years ago


Content was pretty interesting, content heavy when going through the different cycles in the body (a...

7 years ago


Did well in 103 so I thought this wouldn't be too bad as it builds on previous content (hahaha I was...

7 years ago


Great unit, highly recommend it. You learn writing skills vital for assignments in other units, and...

7 years ago


Really challenging unit, but if you attend all of the lectures, workshops, practicals and PAL sessio...

7 years ago


Good subject. Lab work is engaging and content is relatively easy to learn. Past papers are very hel...

7 years ago


Shoba really does hate students! She closed the door in my face when picking up an assignment (we we...

7 years ago


If you did Bio in high school this unit is a breeze, the essay was a bit heavy but manageable. The l...

7 years ago


Content: Really interesting but quite heavy Quizzes: Easy Research and Design content, but n...

7 years ago


Students are spoon-fed weekly in tutorial bits and pieces that finally emerge to become the critical...

7 years ago


Never did so poorly on an essay. -really demotivating!!!!.. It would not have mattered what I had wr...

7 years ago


Res Des is dry, but end of sem exam was good - only multiple choice questions

7 years ago


Great lecturer, and excellent unit - especially if you did HSC Biology

7 years ago

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