
HD Notes - recently completed in T1 2021 Organised and comprehensive for learning unit material. Used to achieve HD for assignment, quizzes and exam. Final grade was 91, one of the highest in the cohort. Includes: - Topic 1: What is Macroeconomics - Topic 1: Measurement of Income, Prices and Unemployment - Topic 2: The Theory of Economic Growth - Topic 3: Income and Interest Rates: The Keynesian Cross Model and the IS Curve - Topic 3: Strong and Weak Policy Effects in the IS-LM Model - Topic 4: Financial Markets, Regulation, and Economic Instability - Topic 4: Government Budget & Debt/Limitations of Fiscal Policy - Topic 5: Aggregate Demand & Supply and the Great Depression - Topic 6: RBA & Money Supply


Trimester 1, 2021

44 pages

10,061 words



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