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  • 186 QUT Health tutors
  • 419 QUT Health ratings and reviews

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This is a great subject in that it gives students the first bite sized exposure to the process and d...

5 years ago


This is a tough subject, as it is very heavy on neurobiology and brain chemistry. Learning about the...

5 years ago


Much like the previous review, the subject can be bland particularly if you're not geared towards le...

5 years ago


A fascinating subject. The more you learn about human development, the more you realise just how com...

5 years ago


This subject was pointless if you know how to communicate like a normal human being. The lectures ar...

5 years ago


This subject is a great intro to psych. Very interesting and covers a large range of subjects. The e...

5 years ago


Interesting subject about reviewing manuscripts/papers outside of your direct field of work

5 years ago


Provides you the skills to develop a research plan based on a literature review

5 years ago


This course teaches you skills you need to know for honours. It has the potential to be very interes...

6 years ago


I actually found this subject easier than I expected. The lectures each week were very detailed and...

6 years ago


Honestly my favourite unit from the whole year! The unit isn't easy itself but the way she teaches a...

6 years ago


A difficult unit to achieve a high score in. Some students might think it pointless but I thought it...

6 years ago


This subject was surprisingly my favourite in Semester 1. I hated the sound of group assignments but...

6 years ago


I'm not sure why this is even a subject, all I ever learnt was how to do referencing. Stop wasting o...

6 years ago


This was my favourite unit in Semester 1! Brooke was a great lecturer. I'd recommend attending all o...

6 years ago


Love! I am not a fan of physics so I had no idea about optics, it was great that the unit coordinato...

6 years ago


Definitely my favourite unit throughout university!! Boy oh boy, the amount of resources and support...

6 years ago


Great experience and easy marks throughout the semester; the unit provides you with plenty of resour...

6 years ago


To be honest, I hated physics! But this class changed my mind... Great lectures and fun practicals m...

6 years ago


Interesting unit, however assessments are heavily weighted so if you don't do well in one it makes i...

6 years ago


I didn't enjoy this subject as much although some aspects were quite interesting. They are very stri...

6 years ago


I really enjoyed this subject and I learned a lot. The tutors are fair with their marking and want t...

6 years ago


This subject was a little challenging but Rhys is a great lecturer and tutor. Attend all of the lect...

6 years ago


I loved this subject. The content was really interesting and opens your eyes to the need to address...

6 years ago

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