Psychology, 6th Australian and New Zealand Edition

Lorelle J. Burton

For sale by Shruti for $120

A Guide to Formatting in Psych (Revised Edition) Pearson Original

Jane Shakespeare-Finch

For sale by Emily for $10

PYB100 Exam Revision

Detailed notes taken from PYB100 lectures with additional notes added where required. Notes are from...

68 pages, 14380 words

PYB100 Summary Exam Notes

List of topics covered: - Brief History (Week 1) - Brain and Behaviour (Week 2) - Research Method...

33 pages, 9981 words


Here are the complete exam notes and all you need to know for the exam for PYB100 Foundation Psychol...

36 pages, 6096 words

Complete Exam Review Notes

All you need to know for the exam. Mostly from lecture notes, but also some from required reading to...

33 pages, 6203 words

PYB100 Exam Notes

This is my comprehensive compilation of notes for the entire semester. I have carefully considered w...

31 pages, 10185 words

Comprehensive lecture notes

Logically flow notes with images. I have shared this with other students and they all highly recomme...

118 pages, 22945 words


$25 per hour

Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...


$15 per hour

Test Prep | Notes Preparation | Essay Planning I graduated from University of Sydney, where I ear...


$75 per hour

Hello! My name is Taya, I am a QUT psychology graduate and now work as a Neuropsychologist acros...


$60 per hour

Hi, I'm Lily. I'm currently completing my Master of Clinical Psychology. I completed my Bachelor of...


$60 per hour

Hi there, My name is Gabi and I have completed the following degrees: - Bachelor of Behavioural...


$40 per hour

Hi! I graduated from Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology) and Bachelor of Justice (Criminolo...


$45 per hour

Hi! I'm Giulia! Throughout my time studying, I have completed the following: - Bachelor of Beha...


The lectures for this unit were so interesting and made fun thanks to the lecturer Brooke! I was engaged all the way through the semester, and found that despite having a lot of content, it was really easy to remember and understand

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

This subject covers A LOT but it was all extremely interesting and gave me the most amazing introduction to psychology - I loved it!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

This subject is a great intro to psych. Very interesting and covers a large range of subjects. The exam was VERY easy. All questions are multiple-choice and are arranged in order of the week you learned the content. Honestly, you don't need to study hard for the exam, just go over the slides a couple of days before. The only criticism I have is that the tutorials are kinda useless and the assignment wasn't explained very well. However, the marking of the assignment was fairly relaxed, so it wasn't a big deal.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

This was my favourite unit in Semester 1! Brooke was a great lecturer. I'd recommend attending all of the on-campus lectures and definitely start studying early - I started summarising all of my notes two or three weeks before the exam and it made such a HUGE difference. If you want to aim high, you NEED to study for the exam and reflect on past examples. I personally found the tutorials didn't help ME too much (maybe for the assignment, a little) but I suppose it's always good to go. *A lot of people found they didn't use the textbook, however, I did and it helped me a lot. Although, don't stress if you can't get your hands on one - it's true that the content on the PPTs are essentially what you need to know.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Interesting unit. A great taster for all psychology units. I found I didn't need a textbook at all, but please don't take my word for it ;)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Excellent subject that covers all your basic Psych theories and founders. Definitely one of my favourite subjects so far! Hint* - you won't need the ''current'' text book - previous edition was perfect for all but one or two lectures, so save your cash.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015