4,820 Science subjects in StudentVIP across Australia:

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CEDB30002 Uni. of Melbourne

I took this subject as a core for my major (cell & developmental biology) and it has been probably o...

6 years ago

CHEM1002 Uni. of Sydney

interesting subject!

6 years ago

PHYS1901 Uni. of Sydney

Kinda boring tbh, especially the labs. Course overall is decent but labs took it down a start, three...

6 years ago

MATH1902 Uni. of Sydney

Good course

6 years ago

MUSI20149 Uni. of Melbourne

Went into the subject thinking the quizzes were going to be a breeze. Not sure if they changed some...

6 years ago

PATH30002 Uni. of Melbourne

This subject is really good as part of the path major. The content is very easy to understand and th...

6 years ago

PATH30001 Uni. of Melbourne

As said by other reviewers, this subject is definitely content heavy and the way its presented with...

6 years ago

BIOM30002 Uni. of Melbourne

By far the best core subject I have done. The modules itself were so interesting and were taught by...

6 years ago

PSY101 Murdoch Uni.

I loved this unit: I had the most amazing tutor (Aislinn), and the lectures, tutorials and learning...

6 years ago

200027 WSU

Not a hard unit. Textbooks 7th or 8th Ed were optional.

6 years ago

MAST20009 Uni. of Melbourne

Christine is the best, really enjoyable subject which comes all together in the end.

6 years ago

MATH3962 Uni. of Sydney

Really fun subject and JP is a great lecturer. Very well structured and it's very clear what you nee...

6 years ago

MATH3961 Uni. of Sydney

Florica is a truly exceptional lecturer. Make every effort to take courses by her. It's difficult, b...

6 years ago

MATH3066 Uni. of Sydney

Pretty good.

6 years ago


Great subject

6 years ago

SIT199 Deakin Uni.

David Tay is an extremely fun teacher, he explains everything very easily and concisely. The assig...

6 years ago

GEOS2042 Macquarie

Simon goes at a good pace in his lectures and most of the content is really interesting! If anyone w...

6 years ago

ATHK1001 Uni. of Sydney

If you want to learn about statistics just take a first year stats course, the only interesting topi...

6 years ago

BIOL1030 Uni. of Qld

Very content heavy but interesting

6 years ago

PSYC2012 Uni. of Sydney

Overall, this subject was actually quite enjoyable considering it was a stats subject. I think the p...

6 years ago

ANAT2008 Uni. of Sydney

Interesting if you like biology. Final exams weren’t too challenging and there’s only 3 assessments...

6 years ago

VIRO3001 Uni. of Sydney

Wonderful subject. Tough material, great tutors. Hefty final exam weighting. It was nice having the...

6 years ago

PSY1011 Monash Uni.

Lectures are very vague and it's probably best if you're physically present for the lectures. Consul...

6 years ago

HPSC3023 Uni. of Sydney

Interesting subject. It doesn’t take too much out of you, but that’s if you keep up to date with the...

6 years ago

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